RFR: (T) 8241144 Javadoc is not generated for new module jdk.nio.mapmode

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Mar 25 01:22:37 UTC 2020

On 25/03/2020 3:49 am, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Magnus Ihse Bursie:
>> On 2020-03-24 09:59, Andrew Dinn wrote:
>>> On 23/03/2020 18:38, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>> Looks good.
>>> Thanks for the review, Erik.
>>> I'm assuming that also implies it is trivial (because, copyright update
>>> a side, it really is a 1-liner :-).
>> For code in the build system, we do not have the Hotspot rules of
>> multiple reviewers, waiting period or trtiviality. A single OK review is
>> enough to be allowed to push it.
> Where are these rules documented?  I looked for them on
> openjdk.java.net, but could not find them unfortunately.

Hotspot rules are buried in here:


"Before pushing"

     You must be a Committer in the JDK project
     You need a non-JEP JBS issue for tracking
     Your change must have been available for review at least 24 hours 
to accommodate for all time zones
     Your change must have been approved by two Committers out of which 
at least one is also a Reviewer
     Your change must have passed through the hs tier 1 testing provided 
by the submit-hs repository with zero failures
     You must run all relevant testing to make sure your actual change 
is working
     You must be available the next few hours, and the next day and 
ready to follow up with any fix needed in case your change causes 
problems in later tiers

There is a notion of trivial changes that can be pushed sooner than 24 
hours. It should be clearly stated in the review mail that the intention 
is to push as a trivial change. How to actually define "trivial" is 
decided on a case-by-case basis but in general it would be things like 
fixing a comment, or moving code without changing it. Backing out a 
change is also considered trivial as the change itself in that case is 
generated by mercurial.


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