Configure fails to create fixpath.exe when running in WSL

Ludovic HOCHET lhochet at
Sat May 2 21:19:34 UTC 2020

Running configure in an Ubuntu on WSL1 on Windows 2004
(10.0.19041.208), it fails to create fixpath.exe in its expected
After some search it seems that wslpath -m
fails since the path does not exist (wslpath:
No such file or directory).

A workaround is to:
diff --git a/make/autoconf/basic_windows.m4 b/make/autoconf/basic_windows.m4
index 11fb231d825..f87c5344c45 100644
--- a/make/autoconf/basic_windows.m4
+++ b/make/autoconf/basic_windows.m4
     cd $FIXPATH_DIR
-    $CC $FIXPATH_SRC_W -Fe$FIXPATH_BIN_W > $FIXPATH_DIR/fixpath1.log 2>&1
+    $CC $FIXPATH_SRC_W  > $FIXPATH_DIR/fixpath1.log 2>&1
+    mv fixpath.exe $FIXPATH_BIN

     if test ! -x $FIXPATH_BIN; then


"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
 si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
 Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
 [The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
 if their thoughts unite to build a universe]

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