Mac OS X 32bit x86 build fails for jdk12u

Philip Race philip.race at
Fri May 15 16:24:15 UTC 2020

I think you are right. I don't remember even JDK 7 having a 32 bit version.
There may have been some unused partial support to create one, but we
never shipped such a thing - nor were there internal 32 bit builds.

Also macOS 10.15 doesn't support 32 bit applications.
So when 10.14 goes EOSL in about 17 months from now, it'll be history.


On 5/15/20, 9:12 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2020-05-15 17:33, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> Hello Andre,
>> As far as I'm aware, support for 32 bit on Macosx has not been 
>> supported by anyone for a very long time. I would assume it far from 
>> trivial to get it to work.
> In fact, I wonder if there *ever* have been 32-bit macOS support in 
> OpenJDK. I believe we only inherited a 64-bit port from Apple.
> /Magnus
>> /Erik
>> On 2020-05-14 17:17, Andre Kovacs wrote:
>>> Dear members,
>>> For compatibility reasons with older 32bit i386 architecture dylibs via
>>> JNI, I'm trying to build a 32bit version of jdk12u on Mac OS X.
>>> I'm using the following configure command:
>>> "bash configure
>>> --with-boot-jdk=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk12/Contents/Home 
>>> --with-target-bits=32"
>>> But I'm getting the following build errors when I try to build
>>> macosx-x86-client-release and macosx-x86-server-release:
>>> "ERROR: Build failed for target 'default (exploded-image)' in 
>>> configuration
>>> 'macosx-x86-client-release' (exit code 2)
>>> === Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===
>>> * For target hotspot_variant-client_libjvm_objs_abstractInterpreter.o:
>>> In file included from
>>> /Users/andre/Documents/OpenJDK/jdk12u-390566f1850a/src/hotspot/share/interpreter/abstractInterpreter.cpp:33: 
>>> In file included from
>>> /Users/andre/Documents/OpenJDK/jdk12u-390566f1850a/src/hotspot/share/interpreter/interp_masm.hpp:31: 
>>> /Users/andre/Documents/OpenJDK/jdk12u-390566f1850a/src/hotspot/cpu/x86/interp_masm_x86.hpp:171:5: 
>>> error: call to member function 'movptr' is ambiguous
>>>      movptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp_offset *
>>> wordSize), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
>>>      ^~~~~~
>>> /Users/andre/Documents/OpenJDK/jdk12u-390566f1850a/src/hotspot/cpu/x86/macroAssembler_x86.hpp:1554:8: 
>>> note: candidate function
>>>    void movptr(Address dst, intptr_t src);
>>>         ^
>>> /Users/andre/Documents/OpenJDK/jdk12u-390566f1850a/src/hotspot/cpu/x86/macroAssembler_x86.hpp:1556:8: 
>>> note: candidate function
>>>    void movptr(Address dst, Register src);
>>>         ^
>>> /Users/andre/Documents/OpenJDK/jdk12u-390566f1850a/src/hotspot/cpu/x86/macroAssembler_x86.hpp:1540:8: 
>>> note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 
>>> 'Address' to
>>> 'ArrayAddress' for 1st argument
>>>     ... (rest of output omitted)
>>> * All command lines available in
>>> /Users/andre/Documents/OpenJDK/jdk12u-390566f1850a/build/macosx-x86-client-release/make-support/failure-logs. 
>>> === End of repeated output ==="
>>> Thank you in advance for your time.
>>> Regards,
>>> Andre

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