RFR: 8206311: Add docs-javase, docs-reference to CI build

Erik Joelsson erikj at openjdk.java.net
Mon Oct 19 15:52:16 UTC 2020

On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:00:29 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <ihse at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Reposting this review as PR.
>> In order to regularly build the javase and reference docs images, I have made the following changes:
>> 1. Introduced bundle targets for the javase and reference docs images.
>> 2. To run this in CI without adding more unnecessary build time to the linux-x64 target (where the current docs are
>> built), I created a new jib profile "docs". This will run in a separate task and will build all 3 docs targets. 3. To
>> enable the docs targets to run standalone without having to build a full JDK, I had to tweak the "build-jdk" concept a
>> bit, to allow it to also function when not cross compiling for certain parts of the build. Specifically the
>> buildtools-modules can now be built by a "build-jdk" instead of the exploded image. 4. For symmetry, I renamed
>> variables and targets involving docs images to always include one of "jdk", "javase" or "reference" in the name. See
>> below for targets.  The new top level targets are:  docs-{jdk.javase,reference}-image:
>> Aliases for the existing docs-{jdk,javase,reference} added for consistency. The old docs-image is now an alias for
>> docs-jdk-image.
>> all-docs-images:
>> Builds all 3 of the above docs images.
>> docs-{jdk,javase,reference}-bundles:
>> Builds the bundles for each kind of docs image. The existing docs-bundles is now an alias for docs-jdk-bundles.
>> all-docs-bundles:
>> Builds all the docs bundles.
> make/conf/jib-profiles.js line 693:
>> 691:                 "--enable-full-docs",
>> 692:                 "--with-build-jdk=" + input.get(buildJdkDep, "home_path")
>> 693:                     + (input.build_os == "macosx" ? "/Contents/Home" : "")
> I'm not fully understanding the platform selection mechanism here. Previously, docs were only built on linux-x64. I can
> see no such filtering in the new code; and this piece here even indicates assumed support for macosx.
> Question: Is docs still built only on one platform? How is this achieved then?

I wanted to make the jib profile "docs" buildable on any platform (though I guess windows is likely not going to work
well). This makes future development more flexible for local builds. The platform we choose to use for our official
CI/tier configurations is controlled elsewhere and will continue to be linux-x64.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/99

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