Integrated: 8253424: Add support for running pre-submit testing using GitHub Actions

Robin Westberg rwestberg at
Mon Sep 28 09:39:52 UTC 2020

On Mon, 21 Sep 2020 13:32:09 GMT, Robin Westberg <rwestberg at> wrote:

> A few days ago I posted an initial version of the necessary configuration required to run pre-submit build and tests
> for JDK main-line contributions using GitHub Actions [2] and the free tier [3] available to everyone working with open
> source repositories. I've incorporated the feedback into an updated version that I believe is ready to be integrated.
> If this is integrated into the `master` branch, future branches created and updated in personal forks will build and
> run the basic tier 1 tests as described in this configuration, on Linux, Windows and macOS (all on x64). It's of course
> possible for any contributor to opt out fully or partially of these automatic runs in a few different ways.  To opt out
> completely, a contributor can simply disable GitHub Actions on their personal fork, and no further jobs will be
> executed. Another option is to add a repository secret [4] with the name `JDK_SUBMIT_FILTER` set to any value. If this
> is set, only branches prefixed with `submit/` will be subject to automatic build and test. This can also be further
> refined by adding a repository secret named `JDK_SUBMIT_PLATFORMS` with a value such as `Linux x64, Windows x64` to
> limit automatic build and test to these two platforms. It will still be possible to run the tests on any branch and/or
> platform by manually triggering the workflow.  To see what this looks like in practice, an example run can be found
> here: (note that there is currently a failing test on Windows
> which is tracked by JDK-8249095, which should probably be resolved before this change is integrated).  Best regards,
> Robin  [1] [2]
> [3]
> [4]

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 840aa2b7
Author:    Robin Westberg <rwestberg at>
Stats:     904 lines in 2 files changed: 904 ins; 0 del; 0 mod

8253424: Add support for running pre-submit testing using GitHub Actions

Reviewed-by: ehelin, erikj



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