Requiring a New Minimum VS Version for Windows/ARM64

Ana Marsh anamarsh at
Wed Dec 15 20:27:23 UTC 2021


My name is Ana Marsh and I am a Software Engineer at Microsoft on the Java Engineering team. A few of my colleagues worked on the Windows AArch64 support commit <> in 2020 and now I am looking to revert one of their changes. Specifically, the change to src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1HeapRegionAttr.hpp. This change to g1HeapRegionAttr.hpp was added to provide a workaround for this MSVC bug<> that has now been fixed in VS 16.8 and newer. As it stands now, Windows/ARM64 users must already be using VS 2019<> (VS 16.0+), so reverting this change would consequently require users to have one of the last four minor versions of VS 2019 (16.8, 16.9, 16.10, 16.11) or VS 2022 (17.0+) with its release last month.

I wanted to communicate this future change before submitting a Pull Request. I also plan on documenting the minimum required VS version for ARM64 in a comment in the build scripts. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



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