[Ping?] [8u] RFR: 8210283: Support git as an SCM alternative in the build

Severin Gehwolf sgehwolf at redhat.com
Wed Dec 22 10:14:39 UTC 2021

On Fri, 2021-12-10 at 15:11 +0100, Severin Gehwolf wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review this adaptation of the corresponding JDK 11 patch. The
> JDK 11u patch didn't apply because the build system is widely different
> between these two releases.
> The main difference is make/common/MakeBase.gmk (JDK 8) vs
> make/SourceRevision.gmk (JDK 11). I've basically rewritten those parts
> of the patch. All the SCM handling in JDK 8 is in MakeBase.
> FindAllReposAbs isn't present in JDK 8u.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210283
> webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sgehwolf/webrevs/JDK-8210283/01/webrev/
> Testing: "make --trace source-tips" on mercurial tree as well as
>          the git mirror. $IMAGE_DIR/release file contains the SHA of
>          the sources it was built from with 'git:' or 'hg:' prefixes.
> Thoughts?

Anyone? When building from the git read-only mirror the "release" file
no longer includes the git sha it was built from without this fix.


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