OpenJDK 16 (ee1d592a9f53+ tip) - compilation error in "sharedRuntime.cpp:2849"

Aleksey Shipilev shade at
Tue Feb 23 18:01:39 UTC 2021

On 2/23/21 2:37 PM, Chris W. Johnson wrote:
> I'm experiencing an OpenJDK build failure on macOS 10.15.7 with OpenJDK 15.0.2 (15.0.2+7-27) and Xcode 12.4 installed. Specifically, a compilation error on line 2849 of "src/hotspot/share/runtime/sharedRuntime.cpp" (see below).
> I'm finishing-up a (would-be) OpenJDK contribution, and need to expose it to the full test suite before submission. In the past, I've had no trouble either building OpenJDK 13 through 15 in various states of their development, or passing the test suite. However, this build issue has me stuck. Some aspects of my system configuration have changed since my previous OpenJDK build and test, but a C++ compilation error is not how I'd expect a configuration change to break the build, for whatever my expectations are worth.
> Any insights? Is this a symptom of a problem on my side, or is the issue really as straightforward as a compilation problem in the "sharedRuntime.cpp" source?

I did attempt to fix this in:

...but it requires more fiddling to make sure it is right.

Meanwhile, --disable-warnings-as-errors would give you something buildable.


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