RFR: 8268860: Windows-Aarch64 build is failing in GitHub actions

Jaikiran Pai jpai at openjdk.java.net
Tue Jul 13 07:07:00 UTC 2021

On Mon, 5 Jul 2021 21:46:26 GMT, David Holmes <dholmes at openjdk.org> wrote:

> It is still unsettling that we don't know what changed

More as an FYI and something that might help investigate similar failures in future. Each run of the GitHub action job generates a log which is available for download publicly (and/or can be viewed raw in the browser). For example, I just picked a random PR in the current queue https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/4759 and clicked the "Details" link beside the "Pre-submit tests - Windows aarch64 - Build" under GitHub actions on that PR. Then click on the "Windows aarch64 (build debug)" link on that job run page. On the page that shows up, there's a visual log viewer of that job run. There's a "..." top right of that widget, which has an option which allows you to view the raw logs in the browser. Doing so will show the entire log of that run. One part of the log contains details about the virtual environment used for that run and it has some interesting/useful details like:

2021-07-12T20:41:25.6215958Z ##[group]Virtual Environment
2021-07-12T20:41:25.6216502Z Environment: windows-2019
2021-07-12T20:41:25.6216982Z Version: 20210628.1
2021-07-12T20:41:25.6217813Z Included Software: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/win19/20210628.1/images/win/Windows2019-Readme.md
2021-07-12T20:41:25.6219152Z Image Release: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/releases/tag/win19%2F20210628.1
2021-07-12T20:41:25.6219863Z ##[endgroup]

So the details about the virtual environment used for that run are listed in the log and additional a (version controlled) link is provided which has the full list of softwares that were installed on that VM:

> 2021-07-12T20:41:25.6217813Z Included Software: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/win19/20210628.1/images/win/Windows2019-Readme.md

This is a version controlled file and available in their github repo for public access as well as review. The commit history shows the exact version of which software changed over time. I don't know when the Windows-Aarch64 build started failing first, otherwise we could probably check the history on that file around that time to know what exactly caused this issue.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4681

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