Running jdk's tests to produce coverage report

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Thu Nov 4 23:50:42 UTC 2021

I'll update the jtreg build script, and then you'll be able to build 
jtreg yourself, and get the jcov from there.

-- Jon

On 11/3/21 9:55 AM, Chaliasos, Stefanos wrote:
> Do you know where I can download this version?
> In GitHub there are releases until jcov3.0-b07
> Stefanos
> ________________________________
> From: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>
> Sent: 03 November 2021 16:39
> To: Chaliasos, Stefanos <s.chaliasos21 at>; build-dev at <build-dev at>
> Subject: Re: Running jdk's tests to produce coverage report
> This email from Alan.Bateman at originates from outside Imperial. Do not click on links and attachments unless you recognise the sender. If you trust the sender, add them to your safe senders list<> to disable email stamping for this address.
> On 03/11/2021 16:34, Chaliasos, Stefanos wrote:
> Thanks Alan,
> I used the one that jtreg uses. The complete configuration of JCOV for jtreg is:
> ```
> DEFAULT_JCOV_SRC_TAG=jcov3.0-b07
> DEFAULT_JCOV_SRC_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM=c5c26085750628d58de275b3f50a7409300c0497
> DEFAULT_ANT_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM=dbe187ce2963f9df8a67de8aaff3b0a437d06978
> DEFAULT_ASM_JAR_CHECKSUM=d1a17d07c60e9e82c8b31b1d8f9ca98726418db4
> DEFAULT_ASM_TREE_JAR_CHECKSUM=7b31ca94da9f57334a5aed79b40f2b88c5ee9f4f
> DEFAULT_ASM_UTIL_JAR_CHECKSUM=b21996293fd49851ed9017cfde3191e49f77fbd0
> DEFAULT_JTHARNESS_SRC_ARCHIVE_CHECKSUM=43936b2616476fcac8ee4bd0132e73c015119337
> ```
> Could you please share from where I can download the JCOV version that you are referring to?
> Here's the JBS issue that upgraded jcov to support v62 class files. So I think you need jcov 3.0.9
> -Alan

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