java 17 conflict with user app

Vitaly Davidovich vitalyd at
Tue Oct 26 14:20:45 UTC 2021

Hi Magnus,

On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 6:44 AM Magnus Ihse Bursie <
magnus.ihse.bursie at> wrote:

> On 2021-10-26 01:43, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > We're testing some of our code on Java 17 (17.0.1)/linux and hit an issue
> > related to  It seems this library is now part of 17 to
> support
> > the (incubating) Vector API.  We have a java library backed (via JNI) by
> > NAG, which itself links against  The issue arises due to
> > java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError when our java library is trying to call
> into
> > a NAG function which in turn is looking for a certain symbol from libsvml
> > (__svml_exp2_ha_mask in particular).
> >
> > It looks like the JDK is eagerly loading symbols from its packaged
> libsvml
> > (is there a way to disable that for now?).  That version of the library
> is
> > also in conflict with the one we want to load, as witnessed by the
> missing
> > symbol (there're probably others but we stopped testing at this point).
> >
> > Is this a known issue/compatibility hazard? Happy to hear
> thoughts/opinions
> > on this and provide further info, if needed.
> It sounds like there are two completely different around,
> muddying the waters. The shipped with the JDK is a core part
> of the vector functionality in the JDK. This is highly unlikely to be
> installed as a system library (basically, if anyone has ever managed to
> do that, they've worked hard to do the wrong thing).
> A quick googling indicates that there is a separate shipped
> by IBM as part of their compiler. My guess is that your JNI library is
> using this.
It's using libsvml from a NAG (vendor, library; the NAG library itself
ships a version of Intel's MKL library, which is where libsvml comes from.
It looks like the JDK has its own subset of libsvml:
These all have Intel copyrights, so I assume they're based on the same
product.  However, JDK's libsvml is a subset (in terms of total # of
symbols) from MKL's libsvml.

> We've run into similar issues in the past. Unfortunately, there is no
> really good way of resolving this. :(
Sigh :(

> One long term solution to minimize this kind of problems would be to
> rename our library "", in the hope that this is less likely
> to clash with another library. This is a similar solution to what we've
> been taking in the past with other name-clashing JDK libraries.
This would need to be coupled with JDK dlopen()'ing this "private" lib with
RTLD_LOCAL, right? Otherwise, it seems like one may end up with a hybrid
situation, where some symbols would be resolved from and others

In the short term (say for a 17.0.2 release), could there be a JVM flag
added that could skip loading I understand that effectively
would disable the Vector API, but that's ok for us - we're not currently
experimenting with that API.  Just trying to get 17 working with existing
"stock" code :).


> /Magnus

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