Need OpenJDK to be used on PowerPC for our products.

Dipendu Ghosh dipendu.ghosh at
Fri Jan 7 08:38:34 UTC 2022

Thank You David for the link. But that does not provide builds for Linux/PPC32 (single core e500v2).

I am trying to build the code locally following the steps available at but I am facing the below error while trying to cross compile.

Failure step:-

sh ./configure \

  --openjdk-target=aarch64-linux-gnu \


Error is as below:-

“configure: error: Could not find X11 libraries. You might be able to fix this by running 'sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev libxrender-dev libxrandr-dev libxtst-dev libxt-dev'. configure exiting with result code 1”

The fix provided after the error is not solving the problem since the packages are already installed but somehow they are not being included in the sysroot.

Prior to the failure step I have executed the below command:-

sudo qemu-debootstrap \

--arch=arm64 \

--verbose \


--resolve-deps \

buster \

~/sysroot-arm64 \

Thanks & Regards,
Dipendu Ghosh
Senior Software Engineer II,
Keysight Technologies
dipendu.ghosh at<mailto:dipendu.ghosh at>

-----Original Message-----
From: David Holmes <david.holmes at>
Sent: 07 January 2022 05:35
To: build-dev at; Dipendu Ghosh <dipendu.ghosh at>
Subject: Re: Need OpenJDK to be used on PowerPC for our products.

CAUTION: This message originates from an external sender.

On 7/01/2022 5:21 am, tim.bell at<mailto:tim.bell at> wrote:

> -------- Forwarded Message --------

> Subject:     RE: Need OpenJDK to be used on PowerPC for our products.

> Date:     Thu, 6 Jan 2022 19:16:10 +0000

> From:     Dipendu Ghosh <dipendu.ghosh at<mailto:dipendu.ghosh at>>

> To:     mailman-owner




> Hi,


> I am an Engineer from Keysight Technologies. In Keysight, we have a

> few products where we use Java. At present we are using Java

> distribution from Oracle. Since there is some licensing issue raised

> by Oracle we need to move to OpenJDK distributions.


> We have a requirement where we need to deploy Java 8 on the PowerPC

> processor and Java is not readily available on this particular platform.

> Will it be possible if you can provide us with Open JDK which can be

> used on the PowerPC processor?

The AdoptOpenJDK project provides such builds:;!!I5pVk4LIGAfnvw!2qVvABDs0nwUByHueQTSm_CA8UOpab4k2I0PMVXyThTTTTvyOv-Spbt-nmkDLSK_jkMQiQ$<;!!I5pVk4LIGAfnvw!2qVvABDs0nwUByHueQTSm_CA8UOpab4k2I0PMVXyThTTTTvyOv-Spbt-nmkDLSK_jkMQiQ$>




> I am trying to follow the steps to compile OpenJDK for PPC following

> the link


> building.html__;!!I5pVk4LIGAfnvw!2qVvABDs0nwUByHueQTSm_CA8UOpab4k2I0PMVXyThTTTTvyOv-Spbt-nmkDLSIe0_6ZXA$  but I am stuck at cross compilation. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.


> Will be eagerly waiting to hear back from you on a positive note.


> Thanks & Regards,


> Dipendu Ghosh


> Senior Software Engineer II,


> Keysight Technologies


> dipendu.ghosh at<mailto:dipendu.ghosh at>


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