Issue regarding hugeLength() method of ArraysSupport class in java.internal.util package

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Jul 27 06:12:32 UTC 2022


Please take this core core-libs-dev as this is not a build issue.


On 27/07/2022 1:50 am, Ananya Nayak wrote:
> After analysing the method declaration carefully I realized some bugs in 
> the code:
>  1.   the if condition on seeing min length as less than 0 returns out
>     of memory error with a message that "required length is too large"
>     which is contradictory to what we are checking in the condition.
>  2. We should actually return the out of memory error when it exceeds
>  3. Moreover we are returning minLength in the third condition when we
>     actually shouldn't because it exceeds the limit 
> Kindly verify this.

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