Warning about git from 'make test' on Windows

Andrey Turbanov turbanoff at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 19:26:30 UTC 2022

I noticed strange warnings produced by 'make test' recently on my
Win11 installation. For example:

$ make test TEST="tier1"
Building target 'test' in configuration 'windows-x86_64-server-release'
/usr/bin/bash: Files/Git/cmd/git: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/bash: Files/Git/cmd/git: No such file or directory
Test selection 'tier1', will run:

Also found this in

configure:29274: checking for git
configure:29502: result:  Files/Git/cmd/git

Seems like space in git path is incorrectly handled.
Is it a known issue or is it a limitation of autoconf?

Andrey Turbanov

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