
Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 12:41:53 UTC 2022

Hi Jules,

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 1:29 PM Jules W. <tanksherman27 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Apologies for not creating a thread consulting the mailing list before
> submitting the PR, I'm still getting used to the process (And also thought
> this would create unnecessary noise for people within this list).

On the contrary, this is very much the encouraged behavior. It's never
wrong to ask around before doing a patch. Someone may already be doing it,
or people have different notions about how to solve the problem. Or whether
it is a problem to begin with.

And if you don't get answers, nobody cares enough and it is okay to proceed
with a PR.

> I haven't changed the html version of the documentation yet as I haven't
> really finished making changes to the markdown version, I do apologize for

the formatting errors though.
Do you refer to something you attached? Note that attachments are scraped
from mails in the ML.

Cheers, Thomas

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