Windows confusing object file names for other file types

Julian Waters tanksherman27 at
Thu Mar 3 13:29:39 UTC 2022

Windows seems to commonly confuse object file names that are created during
the build process, despite .obj being the normal file format for object
files on it (Weirdly enough), which is pretty likely because of pre-defined
registry entries and applications that come together with it with fresh
installs. This does sort of make it a pretty troublesome issue to solve,
and I can't really think of any good all encompassing fix other than to
change the object file suffix to something else (Which would be pretty
simple to do but I don't know if that would have any unwanted side effects
elsewhere), I'm not sure if this is something the proposed solution would
be ok for or if there are better ways to do this?

best regards,

P.S. Windows stop being so bloated please ;-;

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