Is --with-zlib=bundled broken on MacOS aarch64 12.2.1?

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Mar 28 07:03:02 UTC 2022

On 28/03/2022 4:56 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 28/03/2022 07:46, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Jai,
>> It isn't obvious to me that the bundled sources are actually intended 
>> to build on macOS. There's no include of unistd.h to get the lseek 
>> definition.
> I think the context here is that Jai is chasing an issue that may be bug 
> in the libz on macOS. Building the bundled version and comparing results 
> would lead to useful information. AFAIK, the system zlib has always been 
> used since 7u4 when the macOS was added. I think the Apple JDK did the 
> same. So there may be a small bit of "porting" to do, adds include 
> files, etc.

Okay, I suggest adding the include of unistd.h as a starter then. But 
Jai should note that this is not a build issue per-se - making those 
sources buildable on all desired platforms is the job of the owners of 
that src in the OpenJDK.


> -Alan

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