Is --with-zlib=bundled broken on MacOS aarch64 12.2.1?

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at
Tue Mar 29 01:42:24 UTC 2022

Hello Magnus,

On 28/03/22 5:21 pm, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2022-03-28 09:03, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 28/03/2022 4:56 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> On 28/03/2022 07:46, David Holmes wrote:
>>>> Hi Jai,
>>>> It isn't obvious to me that the bundled sources are actually 
>>>> intended to build on macOS. There's no include of unistd.h to get 
>>>> the lseek definition.
>>> I think the context here is that Jai is chasing an issue that may be 
>>> bug in the libz on macOS. Building the bundled version and comparing 
>>> results would lead to useful information. AFAIK, the system zlib has 
>>> always been used since 7u4 when the macOS was added. I think the 
>>> Apple JDK did the same. So there may be a small bit of "porting" to 
>>> do, adds include files, etc.
>> Okay, I suggest adding the include of unistd.h as a starter then. But 
>> Jai should note that this is not a build issue per-se - making those 
>> sources buildable on all desired platforms is the job of the owners 
>> of that src in the OpenJDK.
> I agree fully, but I'd also like to add that it is not clear that this 
> is not "supposed" to work. If bundled zlib is not buildable on macOS 
> (that was news to me), then the correct build system behavior should 
> have been to block it in configure. So, Jaikiran, if you intend to get 
> this to work on macOS, great! If you're not taking that route, please 
> let me know so I can open a bug on prohibiting bundled zlib on maccOS 
> from configure.
I used David's suggestion to add that include header:

diff --git a/src/java.base/share/native/libzip/zlib/gzlib.c 
index a814dd8c7b6..9df629d4205 100644
--- a/src/java.base/share/native/libzip/zlib/gzlib.c
+++ b/src/java.base/share/native/libzip/zlib/gzlib.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
  #if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0
  #  define LSEEK lseek64
+#  include <unistd.h>
  #  define LSEEK lseek

That did help me get past the lseek error, but there are some more 
errors (as noted in that log) which need to be addressed too. I don't 
have the necessary knowledge of C ecosystem to decide what set of 
includes and whether those includes need to be conditional for macOS, 
are required to get this building. The other thing to consider with this 
code is that it is bundled code and the real code lies in a separate 
upstream zlib project[1]. So I think whatever changes we do here might 
have to be co-ordinated back to that project.

Please go ahead with your plan to create a JBS issue to prohibit this 
combination in the meantime. What surprises me a bit is that looking at 
the commit history within this source area, there haven't been any 
commits in this code for around 4 years now. So I suspect this hasn't 
been working at least that long or maybe the compiler rules got more 
stricter during that period.



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