jdk.javadoc - usage of jdk11 coding Path.of in the jdk11 build

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Wed Apr 5 10:29:44 UTC 2023

Hi, we were running recently into this build error  in jdk11u-dev  when a BOOTSTRAP JDK10 was used :

   …\jdk11u-dev\src\jdk.javadoc\share\classes\jdk\javadoc\internal\doclets\formats\html\HtmlDoclet.java:253: error: cannot find symbol
                    legalNoticesDir = Path.of(legalNotices);

See also this JBS issue dealing with a fix

[11u] Backport of JDK-8259530 breaks build with JDK10 bootstrap VM

But a number of questions come to my mind :

  1.  Should the build settings of these modules built  directly with the BOOTJDK  (here 10)  be adjusted, so that using jdk11 functionality  is  a compile error
at compile time, even with a BOOTJDK11  ?

  1.  Why is it not allowed to use  jdk11 stuff  in  jdk.javadoc  , in other parts of the JDK11 codebase it is perfectly fine (e.g. whole java.base uses of course Path.of) ?

  1.  Does it make sense to still  support  these days an ancient jdk10 as boot JDK for 11 ?

Best regards, Matthias
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