RFR: 8307160: [REDO] Enable the permissive- flag on the Microsoft Visual C compiler [v2]

David Holmes dholmes at openjdk.org
Mon Aug 7 08:04:34 UTC 2023

On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 08:16:41 GMT, Julian Waters <jwaters at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/hotspot/share/memory/allocation.cpp line 114:
>>> 112: //
>>> 113: 
>>> 114: void* AnyObj::operator new(size_t size, Arena *arena) {
>> Please remind us what the issue is with `throw()` as this is a change to shared code and it looks very inconsistent to remove it only for this one definition of `operator new`.
> Hi David, this throw was removed for this method's declaration in the corresponding hpp file in an earlier commit [8305590: Remove nothrow exception specifications from operator new](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/0f51e6326373ff7d4a4d9a0e3a2788401f73405d), but the Author forgot to remove the throw() from the definition as well (the error can be viewed in the GHA for the earlier versions of this PR). I believe gcc only errors on this in C++17 mode (for some weird reason) and not our current C++14 mode, which is why it gets a pass on other platforms

Thanks for that.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15096#discussion_r1285518812

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