RFR: 8304265: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Third Preview) [v8]

Jorn Vernee jvernee at openjdk.org
Thu Mar 23 14:16:03 UTC 2023

On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:31:27 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore <mcimadamore at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Just did a test with jshell:
>> jshell> Linker linker = Linker.nativeLinker();
>> jshell> MethodHandle handleValue = linker.downcallHandle(FunctionDescriptor.ofVoid(MemoryLayout.structLayout(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT)));
>> handleValue ==> MethodHandle(MemorySegment,MemorySegment)void
>> jshell> handleValue.invoke(MemorySegment.ofAddress(1), null);
>> |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
>> |        at (#5:1)
>> So, yes, passing `null` for a "by-value" struct issues NPEs. I also get same exception when calling a method handle which passes a struct by reference:
>> jshell> MethodHandle handleRef = linker.downcallHandle(FunctionDescriptor.ofVoid(ValueLayout.ADDRESS));
>> handleRef ==> MethodHandle(MemorySegment,MemorySegment)void
>> jshell> handleRef.invoke(MemorySegment.ofAddress(1), null);
>> |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
>> |        at (#7:1)
>> Given what the impl does, to be fair I don't mind the NPE (it seems a good exception to throw if we're passing a raw `null`). But we should document it at such.
>> It also seems like the first parameter of the downcall has somewhat better checks (but still NPEs):
>> jshell> handleRef.invoke(null, MemorySegment.ofAddress(1));
>> |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
>> |        at Objects.requireNonNull (Objects.java:233)
>> |        at SharedUtils.checkSymbol (SharedUtils.java:351)
>> |        at (#8:1)
>> And:
>> jshell> handleRef.invoke(MemorySegment.NULL, MemorySegment.ofAddress(1));
>> |  Exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Symbol is NULL: MemorySegment{ heapBase: Optional.empty address:0 limit: 0 }
>> |        at SharedUtils.checkSymbol (SharedUtils.java:353)
>> |        at (#9:1)
>> I think this last case is the _only_ one where IAE is warranted - as the role of the first parameter is special, and we can't tolerate a `MemorySegment::NULL` there. For all other reference parameters, the downcall handle should just check that they are non-null, and throw if so.
> The returned method handle will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the {@link MemorySegment}
> representing the target address of the foreign function is the {@link MemorySegment#NULL} address.
> The returned method handle will additionally throw {@link NullPointerException} if any parameter of type {@link MemorySegment} is {@code null}.

We should also NPE when the passed `SegmentAllocator` for struct returns is `null`, so for the last sentence I think this should say:

The returned method handle will additionally throw {@link NullPointerException} if any argument passed to it is {@code null}.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13079#discussion_r1146264320

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