[EXTERNAL] Re: Compiler/aot testing on MacOS

Joe Braley joebraley at microsoft.com
Fri May 5 14:21:41 UTC 2023

Hi David,

Yes, this is still an issue our team is experiencing.

Joe Braley

-----Original Message-----
From: David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com>
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 12:24 AM
To: Joe Braley <joebraley at microsoft.com>; build-dev at openjdk.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Compiler/aot testing on MacOS

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Hi Joe,

It looks like you were not subscribed to the mailing list and this email only just got cleared and has turned up. is this still an issue?


On 24/03/2023 12:20 am, Joe Braley wrote:
> Hello,
> Our team publishes Microsoft's build of OpenJDK, and we have observed
> some test failures after upgrading our macOS agents from 10.15 to
> MacOS 11. We have also seen these failures on macOS 12.x. The tests
> that are encountering issues are in compiler/aot category.We are only
> observing these issues in our JDK11u builds. The exact command line I
> used to reproduce the error locally is:
> /Users/JEG/jdk-11.0.18+10/Contents/Home/bin/java -Xmx512m -jar
> /Users/JEG/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar -agentvm -ignore:quiet -automatic -xml
> -vmoption:-Xmx512m -timeoutFactor:4 -concurrency:1
> -testjdk:/Users/JEG/jdk-11.0.18+10/Contents/Home -nativepath:/
> Users/JEG/jdk-11.0.18+10-test-image/hotspot/jtreg/native
> -verbose:fail,error,summary
> -exclude:test/hotspot/jtreg/ProblemList.txt
> test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/aot/TestHeapBase.java
> Which resulted in the following exception:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: ld: dynamic main
> executables must link with libSystem.dylib for architecture x86_64
>          at
> jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Linker.link(Linker.java:142)
> <mailto:jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Linker.link(Linker.java:142)>
>          at jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Main.run(Main.java:262)
> <mailto:jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Main.run(Main.java:262)>
>          at jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Main.run(Main.java:133)
> <mailto:jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Main.run(Main.java:133)>
>          at jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Main.main(Main.java:89)
> <mailto:jdk.aot at 11.0.18/jdk.tools.jaotc.Main.main(Main.java:89)>
> The version of macOS which I reproduced this error was:
> openjdk-jdk11u % sw_vers
> ProductName:    macOS
> ProductVersion: 11.4
> BuildVersion:   20F71
> Initial triage on our end suggests that the linker for these tests is
> invoked in Linker.java, where we may require additional arguments
> passed into the "ld" command. Specifically, including the library
> path. The change that may have introduced this behavior is documented here:
> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes/macos-big-sur-11_0_1-release-notes <https://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes/macos-big-sur-11_0_1-release-notes>. The important bit, I think, is:
>   * /New in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1, the system ships with a built-in
>     dynamic linker cache of all system-provided libraries. As part of
>     this change, copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on
>     the filesystem. Code that attempts to check for dynamic library
>     presence by looking for a file at a path or enumerating a directory
>     will fail. Instead, check for library presence by attempting to
>     dlopen() the path, which will correctly check for the library in the
>     cache. (62986286)/
> Has anyone encountered this issue before or would be willing to
> provide insight to what the root cause may be?
> Thanks!
> *Joe Braley
> *Software Engineer
> joebraley at microsoft.com <mailto:joebraley at microsoft.com>
> Microsoft Logo

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