Change the naming convention for debug symbol files on Windows to avoid collisions (e.g. java.exe/java.dll -> java.pdb)

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Oct 3 02:49:19 UTC 2023

Hi Frederic,

On 3/10/2023 4:21 am, Frederic Thevenet wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to submit the following proposal for discussion on this 
> list: changing the naming convention for debug symbol files on Windows, 
> in order to avoid collisions.
> When building OpenJDK on Windows using 
> "--with-native-debug-info=external", the resulting debug symbols are 
> saved in files located in the same folder as the corresponding 
> executable or library and named by swapping the extension ".exe" or 
> ".dll" for a ".pdb" one (or "diz" if option 
> "--with-native-debug-info=zipped" is used).
> While this is indeed a common convention on Windows - and the default 
> configuration in Visual Studio - this has the unfortunate side effect of 
> producing colliding paths in the event of an exe and a dll file sharing 
> the same target folder and file name, save for the extension.
> In the case of OpenJDK, there are three occurrences (that I am aware of) 
> where this happens:  "bin\java.exe" and "bin\java.dll" resolve to the 
> same "bin\java.pdb" for their symbols, as do "jimage.exe/jimage.dll" and 
> "jpackage.exe/jpackage.dll", meaning both set of debug information 
> cannot naturally coexist while strictly adhering to the rule.
> (NB: Builds for unix-like platforms are not affected by this, due to a/ 
> the fact that libraries and launchers are not located in the same 
> folder, b/ the radical for executables and libraries typically differ, 
> e.g. java / libjava)
> Since it is generally admitted that the debug symbols for the libraries 
> contain are likely to be more useful that those for the launchers, 
> specific build logic has to be added in several places to ensure those 
> symbols are always prioritized [1][2].
> This is nonetheless a sub-optimal situation, since:
>    - it leaves out entirely the debug info for java.exe, jpackage.exe 
> and jimage.exe
>    - It requires special case handling in the build logic to guaranty 
> consistency in what symbols are kept, which needs to be updated each 
> time a new occurrence is introduced.
>    - It is overall surprising to developers unaware of this situation 
> and likely to raise suspicion of a bug[3].
> One way to avoid all the issues above, would be to adopt a naming 
> strategy for the pdb files that does not incur a risk of collision; for 
> instance by keeping the original extension in the final name, e.g. 
> "jvm.dll" -> "jvm.dll.pdb" instead of "jvm.pdb" (and 
> "jvm.dll.stripped.pdb" for stripped symbols if 
> "--with-external-symbols-in-bundles=public" is used, "jvm.dll.diz" for 
> "--with-native-debug-info=zipped").
> According to my initial findings, the changes to accomplish this are 
> quite straight forward and easy to circumscribe to the Windows build [4].
> Also, I have verified that the ".pdb" files with the new names are 
> recognized by the Windows debugger in the same way as the old one; i.e. 
> it requires no extra configuration steps to tell the debugger where to 
> find the right symbol files [5].

What about our own tools that lookup symbols for stacktraces and hs_err 
files? Will they be able to find the symbol file?

Is there a reason we couldn't rename the dll's so that they do infact 
have a prefix e..g libjava.dll? I would presume the linker information 
would store the actual name.


> I'm looking forward to your feedback on this proposal.
> Thanks,
> [1] 
> [2] 
> [3]
> [4] 
> [5] The naming used at the moment is the one commonly used on Windows 
> but the name of pdb file can be whatever; it is in fact stored within 
> the PE header of the artifact, which is how the debugger knows how to 
> match them. See 

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