Change the naming convention for debug symbol files on Windows to avoid collisions (e.g. java.exe/java.dll -> java.pdb)

erik.joelsson at erik.joelsson at
Tue Oct 3 13:14:58 UTC 2023

On 10/3/23 04:17, Frederic Thevenet wrote:
> Hi David,
> On 03/10/2023 04:49, David Holmes wrote:
>> Is there a reason we couldn't rename the dll's so that they do infact 
>> have a prefix e..g libjava.dll? I would presume the linker 
>> information would store the actual name.
> Changing the names of the libraries would of course be an alternative 
> way to accomplish the same result, but I strongly suspect it could 
> have far more unexpected side-effects than changing the names for the 
> symbols. In particular, I'm thinking of applications that might 
> explicitly looking for the presence of a file named "java.dll" to 
> determine if a Java runtime is present.
> I suspect this is a lot more common than programs expecting symbols 
> explicitly  named "java.pdb" (though of course I can't rule out the 
> possibility that there are). Overall, it seems to me a much riskier 
> approach.
I agree. Changing the names of our dll's is likely to be quite 
disruptive. I think the proposed renaming scheme of the pdb files is an 
elegant and simple enough solution.


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