jdk8u: -Wno-regsiter to support newer compilers

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at qvest-digital.com
Wed Aug 7 12:12:09 UTC 2024

On Wed, 7 Aug 2024, Zdeněk Žamberský wrote:

> Others distros, which should work:
> Ubuntu <= 20.04
> debian <= bullseye (I think)

I maintain OpenJDK 8 for Debian, and my own (local repo and PPA),
Debian’s and Ubuntu’s own builds cover Debian wheezy (7) up to
unstable and all Ubuntu LTS versions from 14.04 on and the few
recent nōn-LTS releases, although they use the GCC version that
is appropriate for each.


I’ve not yet gone to 14, the distros switched to it only very
recently (maybe two weeks or so ago).

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