Which JDK in the build directory is the one that is shipped?

erik.joelsson at oracle.com erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Thu Feb 1 13:52:00 UTC 2024

On 2/1/24 04:47, Julian Waters wrote:
> Hi all,
> Quick question: Which JDK in the build directory is the one that is
> officially shipped by Oracle? Is it the one in "jdk" that is directly
> in the build directory, or the one in "images/jdk"?

The one in images/jdk is the one we base the distribution on, but it's 
not actually exactly that. For historic reasons the image generated in 
images/jdk contains external debug symbols, which we do not ship. To get 
exactly what is shipped, run `make product-bundles` and check the 
zip/tar.gz in "bundles/".

The one directly in jdk, the "exploded image", just exists because it's 
faster to build, especially incrementally, so in some developer 
workflows it's preferred. Since the class files are all laid out on disk 
and not jlinked together, it has quite different performance 


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