RFR: 8017234: Hotspot should stop using mapfiles [v5]

Magnus Ihse Bursie ihse at openjdk.org
Thu Feb 22 21:07:04 UTC 2024

On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 20:38:42 GMT, Mikael Vidstedt <mikael at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Just a thought: Perhaps worth introducing some kind of macro that captures defining a symbol in assembly code (something that does .globl + .hidden on Linux and .private_extern on __APPLE__?

I have thought the same. :) There seem to be room for improvement in a simple "framework" to reduce duplication across the .S files. (There is also plenty of room for improvement in coordinating the style across the .S files...) I believe one reason this has not yet happened is that up until a year or two ago, most Hotspot assembly files where .s (which are not preprocessed) as opposed to .S. I standardized on .S for all assembly code in the JDK project in JDK-8264188, and after that, the door has been open for the Hotspot developers to create such a macro.

> Also, separate from this change: perhaps worth turning on whitespace checking (no tabs) for .S files?

I'm [way ahead](https://github.com/magicus/jdk/tree/fix-jcheck-assembly-files) of you there. :) That is the next one up my pipeline in "turning on jcheck for all text files, one file type at the time". But is a chore, really, to get those kinds of fixes approved. And I wanted to get progress in the mapfile question first.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17955#issuecomment-1960310460

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