RFR: 8323672: Suppress unwanted autoconf added flags in CC and CXX [v4]

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Thu Jan 18 22:46:41 UTC 2024

On 2024-01-18 10:44, Julian Waters wrote:

> If I understand you correctly, this new hypothetical system would 
> replace autoconf as such?
> configure -> autoconf -> compiled configure -> make
> to
> configure -> compile Java -> Java configure program -> make

Yep, something like that. With a thin shell wrapper (think gradlew) to 
launch `java Configure` or something like that. If the progress with 
multi-file java launching continues properly, we might even be able to 
skip the compile step.

I have a prototype sketch I've been working on from time to time. This 
discussion actually inspired me to go back to it and see if I can 
convert into a more proper proof-of-concept.

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