RFR: 8315113: Print request Chromaticity.MONOCHROME attribute does not work on macOS

Erik Joelsson erikj at openjdk.org
Mon Mar 11 17:29:53 UTC 2024

On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:54:02 GMT, Alexander Scherbatiy <alexsch at openjdk.org> wrote:

> The fix provides ability to print Black & White pages on macOS.
> Cocoa API has [PMSetColorMode](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applicationservices/core_printing/1805783-pmsetcolormode) function but it is marked as deprecated and really does nothing.
> There is no replacement; this function was included to facilitate porting legacy applications to macOS, 
> but it serves no useful purpose.
> Dumping `NSPrintInfo` print settings which were set by the native print dialog on macOS shows that the keys and values used for Black & White printing depend on the used printer type.
> For example, the tested 
> `HP Color LaserJet MFP M180n` printer uses `ColorModel` key and`Gray` value, and
> `HP Ink Tank 110 series` uses `HPColorMode` key and `grayscale` value.
> Printing all `NSPrintInfo` presets shows that they do not contain key/value pairs  for Black&White settings.
> This is the code snippet used to print `NSPrintInfo` presets:
>     PMPrinter pr;
>     PMPrintSession printSession = (PMPrintSession)[printInfo PMPrintSession];
>     OSStatus status = PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(printSession, &pr);
>     CFArrayRef presetsList = nil;
>     status = PMPrinterCopyPresets(pr, &presetsList);
>     CFIndex arrayCount = CFArrayGetCount(presetsList);
>     for (CFIndex index = 0; index < arrayCount; index++) {
>         PMPreset preset = (PMPreset)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(presetsList, index);
>         CFStringRef presetName = nil;
>         if (PMPresetCopyName(preset, &presetName) == noErr && CFStringGetLength(presetName) > 0) {
>             NSLog(@"  presetName: '%@'", presetName);
>             NSDictionary* dict = nil;
>             if (PMPresetGetAttributes(preset, (CFDictionaryRef*)(&dict)) == noErr) {
>                    // print preset dict
> The idea of the proposed fix is to store printer dependent key/value pairs in the `<jdk-home>/conf/printer.properties` property file.
> The property file has the format:
> print-attribute.print-attribute-value.key=value
> where `print-attribute` is the java print attribute, `print-attribute-value` is the corresponding attribute value, and `key` and `value` is the key/value pair used by a specific printer.
> For example, for `Chromaticity` attribute the property file could look like:
> Chromaticity.MONOCHROME.ColorModel=Gray
> Chromaticity.COLOR.ColorModel=CMYK
> Chromaticity.MONOCHROME.HPColorMode=grayscale
> Chromaticity.COLOR.HPColorMode=color
> where `Chromaticity.MONOCHROME` key prefix corresponds to `Chromaticity.MONOCHOROME` print attribute constant  with  (...

Build change looks ok. 

(The copy logic follows the existing pattern in that file so it's fine, even though we have generally moved to different patterns using the SetupCopyFile macro.)


Marked as reviewed by erikj (Reviewer).

PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18195#pullrequestreview-1928548932

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