RFR: 8312425: [vectorapi] AArch64: Optimize vector math operations with SLEEF [v4]

Magnus Ihse Bursie ihse at openjdk.org
Tue Mar 26 08:21:26 UTC 2024

On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 20:19:04 GMT, Hamlin Li <mli at openjdk.org> wrote:

> But anyway, it's a furture incremental solution after this pr, am I right? Or are we going to change direction?

I'm honestly not sure what is the right way forward. It seems we all agree that this PR is not the end solution we want. So the question is, is it worth integrating it while waiting for the correct final solution?

Arguments for integrating it:
* The functionality can be tested 
* The source changes gets upstreamed, minimizing risk for future merge conflicts

Arguments against integrating it:
* In practice, this functionality will be missing from the build and no-one is going to be testing it
* It is hard to tell if the functionality is enabled or not
* The "glue" code for enabling/disabling this functionality is still not 100%
* It might not be worth putting effort into the "glue" code, if this is going to be radically changed later on anyway

I hope that was a decent summary of what I and @theRealAph have been saying. If you compare these two lists, it seems like the case for integrating this PR now is rather weak. So maybe it is better to sit on this for a while and await the proper solution? If you disagree, I think you need to explain once more, and more clearly, what you think the gains would be of having this integrated as-is.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18294#issuecomment-2019791355

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