RFR: 8330988: Implementation of 8288293: Windows/gcc Port for hsdis

Julian Waters jwaters at openjdk.org
Thu May 9 07:50:01 UTC 2024

On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 09:15:21 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <ihse at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> WIP
>> This changeset contains hsdis for Windows/gcc Port. It supports both the binutils and capstone backends, though the LLVM backend is left out due to compatibility issues encountered during the build. Currently, which gcc distributions are supported is still to be clarified, as several, ranging from Cygwin, to MinGW64, to the gcc subsystems from MSYS2. For this reason, the build system hack in place at the moment to compile the binutils backend on Windows is still left in place, for now.
> Please mark the PR as draft it is not intended for review.

@magicus I think I might need some help here. Currently all the Cygwin stuff is gated behind ifeq ($(TOOLCHAIN_TYPE), microsoft) checks... should they be behind isBuildOsEnv cygwin checks instead? I don't know how to add support for Cygwin gcc for most of hsdis, since it is quite different from the more modern gcc distributions that are found in places like MSYS2 and MINGW64. But most of the existing logic seems to accomodate more for the Microsoft compiler than it is concerned about the OS environment being used, and for this reason I can't tell which of the 2 checks to use for the existing hack that switches from microsoft to gcc. Also, gcc doesn't require FIXPATH, but Microsoft does, but I don't want to check for microsoft inside TOOLCHAIN_FIND_COMPILER, what should I do instead to ensure gcc doesn't get FIXPATH while Microsoft does?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18915#issuecomment-2097196121

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