Disabling JVM features like for example jvmci or cds

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Wed Nov 6 15:44:04 UTC 2024

>I think `--disable-xxx` is the more usual autoconf way.  Though expecting users to just know that doesn't seem right, so having the help text say something about it seems like a good idea.

>But the relevant help text is probably (mostly?) automatically generated by the built-in autoconf tooling.
There is also a general  little text in the configure help listing the  JVM features :

The following JVM features are valid as arguments to --with-jvm-features.
Which are available to use depends on the environment and JVM variant.
  cds                     enable class data sharing (CDS)
  compiler1               enable hotspot compiler C1
  zgc                     include the Z garbage collector

Maybe  some additional  info would fit there nicely ? E.g.

The following JVM features are valid as arguments to --with-jvm-features.
Enabling and disabling single  JVM features can be done with  --enable-jvm-feature-<name> and  --enable-jvm-feature-<name>=no .
Which JVM features are available to use depends on the environment and JVM variant.

Best regards, Matthias

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