RFR: 8311302: Implement JEP 493: Linking Run-Time Images without JMODs [v40]

Mandy Chung mchung at openjdk.org
Fri Oct 25 20:02:29 UTC 2024

On Fri, 25 Oct 2024 16:29:52 GMT, Severin Gehwolf <sgehwolf at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Please review this patch which adds a jlink mode to the JDK which doesn't need the packaged modules being present. A.k.a run-time image based jlink. Fundamentally this patch adds an option to use `jlink` even though your JDK install might not come with the packaged modules (directory `jmods`). This is particularly useful to further reduce the size of a jlinked runtime. After the removal of the concept of a JRE, a common distribution mechanism is still the full JDK with all modules and packaged modules. However, packaged modules can incur an additional size tax. For example in a container scenario it could be useful to have a base JDK container including all modules, but without also delivering the packaged modules. This comes at a size advantage of `~25%`. Such a base JDK container could then be used to `jlink` application specific runtimes, further reducing the size of the application runtime image (App + JDK runtime; as a single image *or* separate bundles, depending on the app 
 being modularized).
>> The basic design of this approach is to add a jlink plugin for tracking non-class and non-resource files of a JDK install. I.e. files which aren't present in the jimage (`lib/modules`). This enables producing a `JRTArchive` class which has all the info of what constitutes the final jlinked runtime.
>> Basic usage example:
>> $ diff -u <(./bin/java --list-modules --limit-modules java.se) <(../linux-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/java --list-modules --limit-modules java.se)
>> $ diff -u <(./bin/java --list-modules --limit-modules jdk.jlink) <(../linux-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/java --list-modules --limit-modules jdk.jlink)
>> $ ls ../linux-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/jmods
>> java.base.jmod            java.net.http.jmod       java.sql.rowset.jmod      jdk.crypto.ec.jmod         jdk.internal.opt.jmod                     jdk.jdi.jmod         jdk.management.agent.jmod  jdk.security.auth.jmod
>> java.compiler.jmod        java.prefs.jmod          java.transaction.xa.jmod  jdk.dynalink.jmod          jdk.internal.vm.ci.jmod                   jdk.jdwp.agent.jmod  jdk.management.jfr.jmod    jdk.security.jgss.jmod
>> java.datatransfer.jmod    java.rmi.jmod            java.xml.crypto.jmod      jdk.editpad.jmod           jdk.internal.vm.compiler.jmod             jdk.jfr.jmod         jdk.management.jmod        jdk.unsupported.desktop.jmod
>> java.desktop.jmod         java.scripting.jmod      java.xml.jmod             jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod     jdk.i...
> Severin Gehwolf has updated the pull request incrementally with five additional commits since the last revision:
>  - Better handle patched modules
>    Also add a test which ensures that module patching (if present), will
>    get an appropriate error message.
>  - Add /othervm to some langtools tier1 tests
>    Those tests are using module patches from JTREG. Since the run-time
>    image based link uses ModuleFinder.ofSystem(), which will see the extra
>    classes comming from the module patch. Then the size look-up using the
>    JRT FS provider fails, since that only looks in the module image
>    (lib/modules) and NOT also in the patch. Thus, we get a
>    NoSuchFileException and the link fails.
>    Run the tests with othervm so that the JTREG patch'ed module isn't
>    visible to the test.
>  - Fix tests for builds with --enable-linable-runtime
>    Those builds don't include the packaged modules, `jmods` directory.
>    However, some tests assume that they're there. Add appropriate requires
>    tag.
>  - Fix provider verification when some JMODs are present
>    In some configurations, e.g. when java.base is missing from the packaged
>    modules, but another JDK module is present as JMOD that is linked into
>    an image, then provider verification can fail. Thus, the run-time image
>    link fails. Verify that this doesn't happen.
>    The fix is to return Platform.runtime() for run-time image based links
>    as well. Otherwise this code would return the wrong result.
>  - Show run-time image based capability in help
>    Also add a test for it when it's turned on and off.

I did a pass of the current implementation (not the tests).  Looking quite good.  

I see you add the last line in the help message.

Capabilities: +run-time-image

This needs some discussion/consideration how that information be conveyed.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/ImageFileCreator.java line 111:

> 109:      * @throws IOException
> 110:      */
> 111:     public static ExecutableImage create(Set<Archive> archives,

I think these `create(Set<Archive>, ImagePluginStack)` and `create(Set<Archive>, ByteOrder)` methods are unused.   Can just remove them.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JRTArchive.java line 104:

> 102:         this.errorOnModifiedFile = errorOnModifiedFile;
> 103:         this.otherRes = readModuleResourceFile(module);
> 104:         this.resDiff = prepareDiffMap(Objects.requireNonNull(perModDiff));


                this.resDiff = Objects.requireNonNull(perModDiff).stream()
                            .collect(Collectors.toMap(ResourceDiff::getName, Function.identity()));

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JRTArchive.java line 183:

> 181:                                                        null /* hashOrTarget */,
> 182:                                                        false /* symlink */,
> 183:                                                        resDiff.get(lookupKey));

Nit: identation within `{...}` better to use consistent spacing (4-space or 8-space is fine).

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JRTArchive.java line 197:

> 195:                                                  String pathWithoutModule = s.getName()
> 196:                                                             .substring(secondSlash + 1,
> 197:                                                                        s.getName().length());


                                                 String pathWithoutModule = s.getName().substring(secondSlash + 1);

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JRTArchive.java line 205:

> 203:                                                          s);
> 204:                                          })
> 205:                                          .collect(Collectors.toList()));



Can replace `.collect(Collectors.toList())` with `Stream::toList` in other occurrances as well.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JRTArchive.java line 326:

> 324:             try {
> 325:                 Integer typeInt = Integer.valueOf(tokens[0]);
> 326:                 type = Type.fromOrdinal(typeInt);

Since encoding and decoding are private to this class, this class can keep a map from an ordinal to `Type` and no need to add the static `Type::fromOrdinal` method.

        private static final Map<Integer, Type> typeMap = Arrays.stream(Type.values())
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Type::ordinal, Function.identity()));


                type = typeMap.get(typeInt);

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JRTArchive.java line 526:

> 524:             }
> 525:         } catch (IOException e) {
> 526:             throw new InternalError("Failed to process run-time image resources " +

For unexpected exceptions, some code throws InternalError and some throws AssertionError - better to be consistent and I think implementation typically throws InternalError.     For IOException, I think `UncheckedIOException` is appropriate.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 246:

> 244:     public static final String RESPATH_PATTERN = "jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/fs_%s_files";
> 245:     // The diff files per module for linkable JDK runtimes
> 246:     public static final String DIFF_PATTERN = "jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/diff_%s";

I think it'd be useful to have a `LinkableRuntimeImage` class that declares these constants and some other utility methods such as detecting if this is a linkable runtime image (e.g. `hasRuntimeImageLinkCap()`)

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 414:

> 412:         }
> 413:         // Setup and init actions for JDK linkable runtimes
> 414:         LinkableRuntimesResult result = linkableJDKRuntimesInit(finder, roots);

I think it's clearer to the readers if inlining the code of `linkablejDKRuntimesInit` here.  Also the `--keep-package-modules` check can be moved after `isLinkFromRuntime` is determined so checking `isLinkFromRuntime` is more explicit.


        boolean isLinkFromRuntime = options.modulePath.isEmpty();
        // In case of custom modules outside the JDK we may
        // have a non-empty module path, which must not include
        // java.base. If it did, we link using packaged modules from that
        // module path. If the module path does not include java.base, we must
        // have a linkable JDK runtime. In that case we take the JDK modules
        // from the run-time image.
        if (finder.find("java.base").isEmpty()) {
            isLinkFromRuntime = true;
            ModuleFinder runtimeImageFinder = ModuleFinder.ofSystem();
            finder = combinedFinders(runtimeImageFinder, finder, options.limitMods, roots);

        // --keep-packaged-modules doesn't make sense as we are not linking
        // from packaged modules to begin with.
        if (isLinkFromRuntime && options.packagedModulesPath != null) {
            throw taskHelper.newBadArgs("err.runtime.link.packaged.mods");

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 480:

> 478:      */
> 479:     private ModuleFinder combinedFinders(ModuleFinder finder,
> 480:             ModuleFinder runtimeImageFinder, Set<String> limitMods,

suggest to make `runtimeImageFinder` as the first parameter and `finder` second to match the order of the lookup.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 486:

> 484:             @Override
> 485:             public Optional<ModuleReference> find(String name) {
> 486:                 Optional<ModuleReference> basic = runtimeImageFinder.find(name);


                Optional<ModuleReference> mref = runtimeImageFinder.find(name);

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 559:

> 557:         Runtime.Version version = Runtime.version();
> 558:         Path[] entries = paths.toArray(new Path[0]);
> 559:         ModuleFinder finder = paths.isEmpty() ? ModuleFinder.ofSystem()

The javadoc needs update to something like:

    * Returns a module finder of the given module path or system modules
    * if the module path is empty that limits the observable modules to ...

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 741:

> 739:         // we don't have the per module resource diffs in the modules image
> 740:         try (InputStream inStream = getDiffInputStream()) {
> 741:             if (inStream == null) {

Suggest to define a method `isLinkableRuntime` in the new `LinkableRuntimeImage` class to test if it's a linkable runtime image.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 760:

> 758:     }
> 759: 
> 760:     private static boolean hasRuntimeImageLinkCap() {

Move to the new `LinkableRuntimeImage` class

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/JlinkTask.java line 825:

> 823:             }
> 824:         } else if (config.linkFromRuntimeImage()) {
> 825:             // This is after all other archive types, since user-provided

This block can be a utility method in the new `LinkableRuntimeImage` class as the logic can be encapsulated.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/ImageReader.java line 39:

> 37:     }
> 38: 
> 39:     public static boolean isNotTreeInfoResource(String path) {

Do we need this?  Can use `ImageResourcesTree::isTreeInfoResource` instead

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/ImageReader.java line 48:

> 46:                 .filter(ImageReader::isNotTreeInfoResource)
> 47:                 .sorted()
> 48:                 .collect(Collectors.toList());


        return Arrays.stream(getEntryNames())

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/JmodsReader.java line 41:

> 39: 
> 40: @SuppressWarnings("try")
> 41: public class JmodsReader implements JimageDiffGenerator.ImageResource {

Is JmodsReader leftover from previous implementation?   It can be removed?

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/ResourceDiff.java line 272:

> 270: 
> 271:     public static void printDiffs(List<ResourceDiff> diffs) {
> 272:         for (ResourceDiff diff: diffs.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList())) {


        for (ResourceDiff diff: diffs.stream().sorted().toList()) {

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/RuntimeImageLinkException.java line 29:

> 27: 
> 28: /**
> 29:  * Exception thrown for links without packaged modules. I.e. run-image link.

I found inconsistent terminologies "run-image" "run-time" "JDK run-time".   Better to use consistent terminologies.

For this one, maybe as simple as this:


 *  Exception thrown for linking without packaged modules

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/internal/runtimelink/RuntimeImageLinkException.java line 38:

> 36:     private final IllegalArgumentException iae;
> 37: 
> 38:     public RuntimeImageLinkException(IllegalArgumentException cause) {

Can you explain why `RuntimeImageLinkException` constructor takes IAE.   The places throwing RILE has to create IAE.  I can't see how IAE is necessary as other places would catch RILE and throw IAE or IOException instead.  

Can it simply take an exception message parameter?   And possibly change `JlinkTask::run` in handling RILE like IAE?

        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | ResolutionException | RuntimeImageLinkException e) {
            log.println(taskHelper.getMessage("error.prefix") + " " + e.getMessage());
            if (DEBUG) {
            return EXIT_ERROR;

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/plugin/ResourcePoolEntry.java line 73:

> 71:         TOP;
> 72: 
> 73:         public static Type fromOrdinal(int value) {

Can be dropped if `JRTArchive.ResourceFileEntry` keeps a map from ordinal to Type instances.

src/jdk.jlink/share/classes/jdk/tools/jlink/resources/jlink.properties line 119:

> 117: warn.prefix=Warning:
> 118: 
> 119: err.runtime.link.not.linkable.runtime=The current run-time image does not support run-time linking.

should we use "runtime" instead of "run-time" in the help message and errors/warnings?   "runtime" is already used in the messages in this file.


PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14787#pullrequestreview-2396177744
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