[Proposal] Add code signing on Windows to the JDK build system

Frederic Thevenet fthevene at redhat.com
Wed Feb 26 08:52:44 UTC 2025


I would like to start a discussion about adding built-in support for 
code signing native executable file and dynamic library on Windows 
directly as part of the JDK build, in a similar fashion to what already 
exists for macOS.

Most, if not all vendors already ensure that every native executable 
files and dynamic libraries that are part of the binary builds of 
OpenJDK that they distribute to their customers for the Windows platform 
are digitally signed using a set of Microsoft APIs and tools called 

Since this is not a part of the existing JDK build system, however, this 
means that each vendor has had to come up with their own way to 
integrate the code signing step into their build pipeline.
As the shape of the JDK binary deliverable evolved to accommodate 
features like modules, signing binaries as an after-the-fact process has 
gradually become more complicated and error prone.

For instance, with the introduction of JEP 493 (Linking Run-Time Images 
without JMODs)[2], adding a digital signature to files after jlink runs 
as part of the build to create the JDK image when the new 
'--generate-linkable-runtime' feature is enabled will cause any 
subsequent uses of jlink from this image to fail with a "Error:<xxxx> 
has been modified" error.

The solution to that particular problem is to ensure that the signature 
is applied before jlink generates the checksums it will later use to 
detect , and I believe the best way to achieve that is to integrate code 
signing as an option in the jdk build process.

This would also offer vendors who decide to opt into using this new 
feature to potentially simplify their overall build process.
For instance, this could get rid of extra steps such as filtering out 
dlls that are part of the bundle but were not built as part of the jdk 
(e.g. the Microsoft C and C++ runtime redistributables), or making sure 
that 'exe' and 'dll' files packaged in the .jmod files are also signed.

As a stated before a very similar option already exists for code signing 
on the macOS platform, which further reinforce my thinking that such a 
feature would make sense for Windows as well.

I have drafted a prototype for this and would be happy to create JBS 
issue and submit a PR to move this forward, provided there is interest.

Frederic Thevenet (fthevenet)

[2] https://openjdk.org/jeps/493

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