I downloaded from <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://download.java.net/jdk7/" target="_blank">http://download.java.net/jdk7/</a><br><br>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">On 1/29/08, <b class="gmail_sendername">Kelly O'Hair</b> <<a href="mailto:Kelly.Ohair@sun.com">Kelly.Ohair@sun.com</a>> wrote:</span>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">This looks like JRL sources not "open source" files.<br><br>Where did you get these source files from?<br>
<br>-kto<br><br>Feng Xian wrote:<br>> Hi, I downloaded a most recent version of OpenJDK and tried to install<br>> it on a 32-bit Linux platform. But the build failed with an error of<br>> "/home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/outputdir/linux_i486_compiler2/product/libjvm.so:<br>
> undefined reference to `Verifier::verify(instanceKlassHandle,<br>> Verifier::Mode, Thread*)".<br>><br>> Any help will be appreciated. Details of error message and "make sanity"<br>> output are followed:<br>
><br>> =================Screen snapshot =============================<br>> make[5]: Entering directory<br>> `/home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/outputdir/linux_i486_compiler2/product'<br>> { \<br>
> echo Linking launcher...; \<br>> \<br>> gcc -m32 -march=i586 -Xlinker -O1 -m32 -march=i586 -export-dynamic<br>> -L `pwd` -o gamma launcher.o -ljvm -lm -ldl -lpthread; \<br>> \<br>> }<br>
> Linking launcher...<br>> /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/outputdir/linux_i486_compiler2/product/libjvm.so:<br>> undefined reference to `Verifier::verify(instanceKlassHandle,<br>> Verifier::Mode, Thread*)'<br>
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status<br>> make[5]: *** [gamma] Error 1<br>> make[5]: Leaving directory<br>> `/home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/outputdir/linux_i486_compiler2/product'<br>> make[4]: *** [the_vm] Error 2<br>
> make[4]: Leaving directory<br>> `/home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/outputdir/linux_i486_compiler2/product'<br>> make[3]: *** [product] Error 2<br>> make[3]: Leaving directory<br>> `/home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/outputdir'<br>
> make[2]: *** [generic_build2] Error 2<br>> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dli/openjdk7/hotspot/make'<br>> make[1]: *** [product] Error 2<br>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dli/openjdk7/hotspot/make'<br>
> make: *** [hotspot-build] Error 2<br>> =============================================<br>><br>> Below is "make sanity" message.<br>><br>> ===============Output of make sanity==============<br>
> (cd ./deploy/make && \<br>> make sanity JDK_TOPDIR=/home/dli/openjdk7/jdk<br>> JDK_MAKE_SHARED_DIR=/home/dli/openjdk7/jdk/make/common/shared<br>> EXTERNALSANITYCONTROL=true TARGET_CLASS_VERSION=5<br>
> COOKED_BUILD_NUMBER=Dli ANT_HOME="/home/dli/ant"<br>> FINDBUGS_HOME="/home/dli/findbugs-1.3.0"<br>> ALT_OUTPUTDIR=/home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586 )<br>> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dli/openjdk7/deploy/make'<br>
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dli/openjdk7/deploy/make'<br>> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dli/openjdk7/jdk/make'<br>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dli/openjdk7/jdk/make'<br>><br>> Build Machine Information:<br>
> build machine = <a href="http://terryxian.unl.edu">terryxian.unl.edu</a> <<a href="http://terryxian.unl.edu">http://terryxian.unl.edu</a>><br>><br>> Build Directory Structure:<br>> CWD = /home/dli/openjdk7<br>
> TOPDIR = .<br>> CONTROL_TOPDIR = .<br>> LANGTOOLS_TOPDIR = ./langtools<br>> JAXP_TOPDIR = ./jaxp<br>> JAXWS_TOPDIR = ./jaxws<br>> CORBA_TOPDIR = ./corba<br>> HOTSPOT_TOPDIR = ./hotspot<br>
> JDK_TOPDIR = ./jdk<br>> DEPLOY_TOPDIR = ./deploy<br>> INSTALL_TOPDIR = ./install<br>><br>> Build Directives:<br>> BUILD_LANGTOOLS = false<br>> BUILD_JAXP = true<br>> BUILD_JAXWS = true<br>
> BUILD_CORBA = true<br>> BUILD_HOTSPOT = true<br>> BUILD_JDK = true<br>> BUILD_DEPLOY = true<br>> BUILD_INSTALL = false<br>><br>> Hotspot Settings:<br>> HOTSPOT_BUILD_JOBS =<br>
> HOTSPOT_OUTPUTDIR =<br>> /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/outputdir<br>> HOTSPOT_EXPORT_PATH =<br>> /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/import<br>><br>> Bootstrap Settings:<br>
> BOOTDIR = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03<br>> ALT_BOOTDIR = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03<br>> BOOT_VER = 1.6 [requires at least 1.5]<br>> OUTPUTDIR = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586<br>> ALT_OUTPUTDIR = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586<br>
> ABS_OUTPUTDIR = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586<br>><br>> Build Tool Settings:<br>> SLASH_JAVA = /NOT-SET<br>> ALT_SLASH_JAVA =<br>> VARIANT = OPT<br>> JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR = /home/dli/openjdk7<br>
> ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR = /home/dli/openjdk7<br>> ANT_HOME = /home/dli/ant<br>> FINDBUGS_HOME = /home/dli/findbugs-1.3.0<br>> UNIXCOMMAND_PATH = /bin/<br>> ALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH =<br>> COMPILER_PATH = /usr/bin/<br>
> ALT_COMPILER_PATH =<br>> DEVTOOLS_PATH = /usr/bin/<br>> ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH = /usr/bin<br>> UNIXCCS_PATH = /usr/ccs/bin/<br>> ALT_UNIXCCS_PATH =<br>> USRBIN_PATH = /usr/bin/<br>> ALT_USRBIN_PATH =<br>
> GCC29_COMPILER_PATH = /home/dli/openjdk7/linux/gcc29/usr/<br>> ALT_GCC29_COMPILER_PATH =<br>> COMPILER_NAME = GCC<br>> COMPILER_VERSION =<br>> CC_VER = 3.4 [requires at least 3.2]<br>> ZIP_VER = 2.3 [requires at least 2.2]<br>
> UNZIP_VER = 5.51 [requires at least 5.12]<br>> ANT_VER = 1.7 [requires at least 1.6.3]<br>> FINDBUGS_VER = 1.3 [requires at least 1.1]<br>> TEMPDIR = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/tmp<br>><br>
> Build Directives:<br>> OPENJDK =<br>> USE_HOTSPOT_INTERPRETER_MODE =<br>> PEDANTIC =<br>> DEV_ONLY = true<br>> NO_DOCS =<br>> NO_IMAGES =<br>> TOOLS_ONLY =<br>> INSANE = true<br>
> CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O3<br>> CC_HIGHER_OPT = -O3<br>> CC_LOWER_OPT = -O2<br>> CXXFLAGS = -O2 -fPIC -DCC_NOEX -W -Wall -Wno-unused<br>> -Wno-parentheses -fno-omit-frame-pointer -D_LITTLE_ENDIAN<br>
> CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -W -Wall -Wno-unused<br>> -Wno-parentheses -fno-omit-frame-pointer -D_LITTLE_ENDIAN<br>> BOOT_JAVA_CMD = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/java -client -Xmx344m<br>> -Xms128m -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m<br>
> BOOT_JAVAC_CMD = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/javac<br>> -J-XX:ThreadStackSize=768 -J-client -J-Xmx344m -J-Xms128m<br>> -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=160m -encoding ascii<br>> BOOT_JAR_CMD = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/jar<br>
> BOOT_JARSIGNER_CMD = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/jarsigner<br>> JAVAC_CMD = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/javac -J-XX:ThreadStackSize=768<br>> -J-client -J-Xmx344m -J-Xms128m -J-XX:PermSize=32m<br>> -J-XX:MaxPermSize=160m -source 1.5 -target 5 -encoding ascii<br>
> -Xbootclasspath:/home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/classes<br>> JAVAH_CMD = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/javah -bootclasspath<br>> /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/classes<br>> JAVADOC_CMD = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/javadoc -J-client -J-Xmx344m<br>
> -J-Xms128m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=160m<br>><br>> Build Platform Settings:<br>> USER = dli<br>> PLATFORM = linux<br>> ARCH = i586<br>> LIBARCH = i386<br>> ARCH_FAMILY = i586<br>
> ARCH_DATA_MODEL = 32<br>> ARCHPROP = i386<br>> LINUX_VERSION = 3 (Heidelberg)<br>> ALSA_VERSION = 1.0.6<br>> OS_VERSION = 2.6.17 [requires at least 2.4.9-e.3]<br>> OS_NAME = linux<br>> TEMP_FREE_SPACE = 2507836<br>
> FREE_SPACE = 2507836<br>> MB_OF_MEMORY = 472<br>><br>> GNU Make Settings:<br>> MAKE = make<br>> MAKE_VER = 3.80 [requires at least 3.78]<br>> MAKECMDGOALS = sanity<br>> MAKEFLAGS = w<br>
> SHELL = /bin/sh<br>><br>> Target Build Versions:<br>> JDK_VERSION = 1.7.0<br>> MILESTONE = Frame-Pointer<br>> RELEASE = 1.7.0-Frame-Pointer<br>> FULL_VERSION = 1.7.0-Frame-Pointer-Dli<br>> BUILD_NUMBER = Dli<br>
><br>> External File/Binary Locations:<br>> USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH = /opt/java<br>> BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH = /NOT-SET/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries<br>> ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH =<br>> JDK_IMPORT_PATH = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03<br>
> ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH = /home/dli/jdk1.6.0_03<br>> LANGTOOLS_DIST =<br>> ALT_LANGTOOLS_DIST =<br>> CORBA_DIST = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/corba/dist<br>> ALT_CORBA_DIST = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/corba/dist<br>
> JAXP_DIST = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/jaxp/dist<br>> ALT_JAXP_DIST = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/jaxp/dist<br>> JAXWS_DIST = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/jaxws/dist<br>> ALT_JAXWS_DIST = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/jaxws/dist<br>
> HOTSPOT_DOCS_IMPORT_PATH = /NO_DOCS_DIR<br>> ALT_HOTSPOT_DOCS_IMPORT_PATH =<br>> HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH = /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/import<br>> ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH =<br>> /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/import<br>
> HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH =<br>> /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/import/jre/lib/i386/client<br>> ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH =<br>> HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH =<br>> /home/dli/openjdk7/build/linux-i586/hotspot/import/jre/lib/i386/server<br>
> ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH =<br>> CACERTS_FILE = /home/dli/openjdk7/jdk/src/share/lib/security/cacerts<br>> ALT_CACERTS_FILE =<br>> MOZILLA_HEADERS_PATH = /home/dli/openjdk7/share/plugin<br>> ALT_MOZILLA_HEADERS_PATH = /home/dli/openjdk7/share/plugin<br>
> CUPS_HEADERS_PATH = /usr/include<br>> ALT_CUPS_HEADERS_PATH =<br>><br>> OPENJDK Export Binary Plug Settings:<br>> PLUG_EXPORT_DIRNAME =<br>> PLUG_LIBRARY_NAMES =<br>><br>><br>> WARNING: You are building in 'INSANE' mode. You<br>
> should not use this mode, and in fact,<br>> it may be removed at any time. If you<br>> have build problems as a result of using<br>> INSANE mode, then you should not expect<br>
> assistance from anyone with the problems<br>> or consequences you experience.<br>><br>> WARNING: You are not building the LANGTOOLS sources.<br>> Lang tools (javac) will be obtained from<br>
> the location set in ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH.<br>><br>> WARNING: You are not building the INSTALL sources.<br>> This will result in a development-only<br>> build of the JDK, lacking the installation bundles<br>
><br>> WARNING: Your build environment has the variable DEV_ONLY<br>> defined. This will result in a development-only<br>> build of the JDK, lacking the documentation<br>> build and installation bundles.<br>
><br>> WARNING: You are building in 'INSANE' mode. You<br>> should not use this mode, and in fact,<br>> it may be removed at any time. If you<br>> have build problems as a result of using<br>
> INSANE mode, then you should not expect<br>> assistance from anyone with the problems<br>> or consequences you experience.<br>><br>> WARNING: This machine appears to only have 472Mb of physical memory,<br>
> builds on this machine could be slow.<br>><br>> WARNING: The official linux builds use OS version 2.4.9-e.3.<br>> You appear to be using OS version 2.6.17.<br>><br>> WARNING: The build is being done on Linux 3 (Heidelberg).<br>
> The official linux builds use Linux Advanced Server,<br>> specifically Linux Advanced Server release 2.1AS.<br>> The version found was '2.6.17'.<br>><br>> WARNING: The linux compiler is not version 3.2<br>
> Specifically the GCC compiler.<br>> You appear to be using compiler version: 3.4<br>> The compiler was obtained from the following location:<br>> /usr/bin/<br>><br>> WARNING: You are building in 'INSANE' mode. You<br>
> should not use this mode, and in fact,<br>> it may be removed at any time. If you<br>> have build problems as a result of using<br>> INSANE mode, then you should not expect<br>
> assistance from anyone with the problems<br>> or consequences you experience.<br>><br>> WARNING: The BUILD_NUMBER needs to contain b[0-9][0-9]*. Currently<br>> BUILD_NUMBER=Dli.<br>> This has been known to cause build failures.<br>
><br>> WARNING: This machine appears to only have 472Mb of physical memory,<br>> builds on this machine could be slow.<br>><br>> WARNING: The official linux builds use OS version 2.4.9-e.3.<br>> You appear to be using OS version 2.6.17.<br>
><br>> WARNING: The build is being done on Linux 3 (Heidelberg).<br>> The official linux builds use Linux Advanced Server,<br>> specifically Linux Advanced Server release 2.1AS.<br>> The version found was '2.6.17'.<br>
><br>> WARNING: The linux compiler is not version 3.2<br>> Specifically the GCC compiler.<br>> You appear to be using compiler version: 3.4<br>> The compiler was obtained from the following location:<br>
> /usr/bin/<br>><br>> INSANE mode requested.<br>> Sanity will not force a build termination, even with errors.<br></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Addr: 1025N, 23rd str, APT 33,<br>
Lincoln, NE, 68503<br>Phone: (402)310-9826<br>WWW: <a href="http://cse.unl.edu/~fxian">cse.unl.edu/~fxian</a>