<div dir="ltr">Dear Members;<br><br>I downloaded the openJDK "openjdk-7-ea-src-b40-20_nov_2008.zip" then i added the compiler peoject "Javac" to the Netbeans IDE ver 6.5 .<br><br>- in the build.properties file i updated the "target.java.home" property to my JDK path.<br>
<br>then when i tried to copile the project i got the following error :<br><br><fail message="bootstrap java is not installed in Mypath }"><br>where Mypath is my Installed JDK path.<br><br>Please find the attached snapshot.<br>
<br>and i am waiting for your advice.<br><br>thank you in advance<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Tamer Mohamed Abd El-lateef<br>Senior Software Developer<br>