Build Infrastructure
Kelly O'Hair
kelly.ohair at
Tue May 24 05:23:20 PDT 2011
We are not asking for donations to these repos right now.
We have some very specific and major changes we will be pushing in over the next few weeks and months.
I guess what I'm saying is that we have some initial implementation work to share right off the bat.
This work is significant enough both in build performance and overall build design that I think the best
thing to do is just get it pushed in, exposed, inspected, and exercised by people.
The engineers doing the pushes should be able to provide more details and should be providing some
basic documentation on the work, but the goal is to churn this pretty quickly.
If you have questions for them, ask them, if you think more documentation is needed in various areas,
please say so. Some of this makefile logic may be complicated, if makefiles scare you, please run away now. ;^)
We might not attack all the repos at once, so this may be incremental in terms of the repos involved.
First step will be to create a "common/" directory at the root to share common makefile logic, so
you may see that first. Then the separate repos will be changed to utilize those common files.
This is an open project, but there are also aspects to it, for us, that are closed, or Windows, or Solaris related,
aspects that are very very important to us, but unfortunately of less interest to the open world.
We need solutions that work well all around, so I'm asking for a little time to have us get our initial
work in place before anyone else decides to do any other major build infrastructure changes that could
conflict. And if it's makefile related at all, it will probably conflict.
This is a BIG experiment, one which I have complete faith in being successful, but an experiment
nonetheless, until we get it right, it will not see any master repo anywhere.
Once jdk8 gets moving, and we have proven this experiment works, then we will consider the merge
into jdk8. But for now the work is being done based on jdk7 repos until we get it right.
On the surface, you should expect to see a kind of "./configure && make" flavored implementation.
My original list was:
* Drastically improving the turnaround on full builds
* Provide a reliable way for incremental builds to work
* Simplify the makefiles drastically avoiding unnecessary nested makes
* Allow for parallel building with make -j
* Allow for 32bit builds to happen on 64bit systems
* Allow for use of more portable build tools (compilers etc.) where possible
The first 4 are effectively all tied together as part of the makefile rewrite, and also the last one which we have
informally called BuildDeps.
On May 24, 2011, at 1:18 PM, neugens.limasoftware at wrote:
> Danke! :)
> Mario
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> ----- Reply message -----
> Da: "Dalibor Topic" <dalibor.topic at>
> Data: mar, mag 24, 2011 12:32
> Oggetto: Build Infrastructure
> A: <build-infra-dev at>
> On 5/24/11 11:08 AM, neugens.limasoftware at wrote:
>> Link?
> hg fclone
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> --
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