new build "Cheat sheet" question.

Magnus Ihse Bursie magnus.ihse.bursie at
Thu Apr 12 13:34:47 PDT 2012

"Elsewhere" is "a collection of mails, mostly by Fredrik, on this and other lists, and the configure script". Not very helpful, I know. :-)

My intention was to summarize this into the README, but I was sidetracked. :-( It would probably had been better to write "Coming soon!" -- I'll fix that tomorrow, and I'll try to finish the part of the document describing how to work with non-forest builds as soon as possible. 


12 apr 2012 kl. 21:51 skrev Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at>:

> In the build-infra user guide [1], in section 8, Cheat sheet, it says
> set ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/java/import-jdk or ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/java/import-jdk
> import JDKs are not used anymore; see elsewhere for discussion about this
> It would be nice if the "elsewhere" was linked to somewhere appropriate.   I looked "elsewhere" but didn't find anything useful. Presumably I didn't look in the right "elsewhere", so it would help to know which "elsewhere" contains the relevant discussion.
> In particular, it would be good to have a VERY PROMINENT section about how you suggest that JDK developers use the new build system as part of their daily activities, which typically do not involve using a full forest.
> -- Jon
> [1]

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