misc build snags

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Tue Dec 4 06:19:10 PST 2012

Answering what I can from a build-infra perspective.

On 2012-12-03 13:11, Doug Lea wrote:
> I set up jdk8 builds on linux64, solarisx86 (client and server)
> and solaris sparc(v9) over the past few days. Here are a few notes.
> Sorry if any are duplicates of known issues.
> 1. Defaulting JOBS to #cpus is probably not the best policy.
> On a 64way linux box, doing this in the jdk build caused
> enough total threads to be created that it hit resource limits
> causing hard-to-diagnose problems like dumping OOME messages
> into generated char encoding files. Maybe you could cap max
> at some value like 16 unless overridden.
I can imagine this going bad at times and I've filed bug 8004352 to 
track this issue.

> 2. The documentation should be clearer about how configure
> uses PATHs and environment variables.
> On solaris, using anything other than the following
> seemed to lead to trouble.
> setenv PATH /opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:/usr/sfw/bin
> setenv MAKE /opt/sfw/bin/make
> unsetenv CLASSPATH
> unsetenv JAVA_HOME
> unsetenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> ... assuming an up to date make in /opt/sfw/bin, like the one
> from sunfreeware.com. Also other up to date stuff from there,
> like gnm. It would be especially helpful to list exactly which
> things you use.
> I don't know why the probe tries to use /usr/sfw/bin/gmake
> unless you set MAKE variable.
Yes, I definitely agree. Documentation has been lagging due to heavy 
development. We will fix this before declaring the project finished. We 
are probably making a lot of assumptions on gnu tools being available at 
the moment.

I will let someone else answer for the rest as it's not build-infra 
specific and I'm not that familiar with those areas.

> 3. It would be nice to include a hint that on solaris sparcV9
> you need to get freetype from source and build with CFLAGS="-m64"
> 4. You might also mention that on solaris10, if you get the
> downloadable SolarisStudio to install or update SUNWspro, you
> should ignore the fact that the suggested patches won't apply
> and that running a recent 10_Recommended patchset to try to
> address this can be a very bad move. (See
> https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2471109&tstart=0)
> And also that even though the warnings suggest otherwise,
> (version 5.9 vs 5.10) you can build with this version of
> SUNWspro. Or at least it seems to work so far.
> 5. On fedora linux I get the following message that is
> harmless for developer builds but maybe should be better
> explained somewhere:
> /usr/bin/chcon: failed to change context of `libjvm.so' to 
> `system_u:object_r:textrel_shlib_t:s0': Operation not supported
> ERROR: Cannot chcon libjvm.so
> 6. On solaris, I get various complaints about dtrace,
> for example:
> /usr/sfw/bin/gnm: dtrace.o: File format not recognized
> ld: warning: symbol '__JvmOffsets' has differing types:
>         (file JvmOffsets.o type=OBJT; file dtrace.o type=FUNC);
> 7. Not your problem, but fastdebug builds were failing for me until
> I discovered pending revision:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/qualifiers/webrev.00/
> 8. Also not your problem, but all except sparc builds are
> giving char encoding errors; for example:
> [Error] encoded value was less than 0: encode(-8.326673E-17, 5.0, 
> 11.0, 16.0)
> -Doug

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