Hotspot build failure with under Ubuntu 12.10 (infrabuild)

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Mon Dec 10 15:59:50 PST 2012

On 12/10/12 15:25, Mani Sarkar wrote:
> Hi,
> After performing a complete OpenJDK build I attempted to build Hotspot on
> its own following usual commands to make Hotspot

What were the 'usual commands', and where did you run them?  Were you 
running make on the hotspot makefiles directly?

With the new build-infra makefiles, running make a second time from the 
top level should be very fast and only recompile the pieces you need.  
You also get the benefit that your build environment has been checked 
over by configure before starting.

> got the below messages from the make action (see log file via the link):
> Looking at the log file it appeared that the root cause of the problem was
> can't cd to /java/re/j2se/1.7.0/latest/binaries/linux-i586

The build is looking for a bootstrap JDK, and 
/java/re/j2se/1.7.0/latest/binaries/... is the default location, which 
won't work for you.

In section 10 "Cheat sheet" on this page:

Search for '|--with-boot-jdk'


> I haven't seen this path before and how is this set, my jdks and jres
> usually live in the /usr/ or /etc/ folders. What do I need to do to resolve
> this issue, do I need to install anything?
> I did some more searching but only found ALT_ variables that would fix the
> above issue, but then thats the old build system, how would we resolve this
> in the new infrabuild.
> Cheers,
> Mani

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