Hotspot build failure with under Ubuntu 12.10 (infrabuild)

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Dec 11 18:09:45 PST 2012

Hi Mani,

The formatting of your reply was a little mangled but to clarify a 
couple of things:

a) with the new build you never descend into the hotspot repo and run 
make there - it won't work. You just run "make hotspot" from the 
top-level (and if you want to rebuild hotspot it should be 
"hotspot-clean hotspot" IIRC)

b) A lot of environment variables from the old build are handled by 
specifying configure options in the new build. So a configuration 
becomes an embodiment of a set of options. But you may still need to set 
specific configure options - essentially replacing the environment 
variable with a configure option.


On 12/12/2012 6:05 AM, Mani Sarkar wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Thanks for writing back and clarifying my doubts, to answer to a few of
> your questions:
> What were the 'usual commands', and where did you run them?  Were you
>> running make on the hotspot makefiles directly?
> make all
> from within the hotspot/make folder.
>> With the new build-infra makefiles, running make a second time from the
>> top level should be very fast and only recompile the pieces you need.  You
>> also get the benefit that your build environment has been checked over by
>> configure before starting.
>>   Can I can confirm that I should be able to make hotspot from the
> top-level directory by just using this command, would it work?
> make clean hotspot (to rebuild hotspot only)
> or
> make hotspot (to incrementally build hotspot)
>>   got the below messages from the make action (see log file via the link):
>>> EclipseProjectsForOpenJDK/**Logs/hotspotBuildInfraFail.log<>
>>> Looking at the log file it appeared that the root cause of the problem was
>>> can't cd to /java/re/j2se/1.7.0/latest/**binaries/linux-i586
>> The build is looking for a bootstrap JDK, and /java/re/j2se/1.7.0/latest/*
>> *binaries/... is the default location, which won't work for you.
>> Thanks for clarifying, I should have looked into the cheat sheet. I will
> try it out and if I have any questions I will get back to you.
>> In section 10 "Cheat sheet" on this page:
>> Search for '|--with-boot-jdk'
>> This means with t he new build system we never set environment variables
> to achieve our target?
> Thanks,
> Mani
>> |
>>   I haven't seen this path before and how is this set, my jdks and jres
>>> usually live in the /usr/ or /etc/ folders. What do I need to do to
>>> resolve
>>> this issue, do I need to install anything?
>>> I did some more searching but only found ALT_ variables that would fix the
>>> above issue, but then thats the old build system, how would we resolve
>>> this
>>> in the new infrabuild.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mani

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