misc build snags

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at oracle.com
Thu Dec 20 19:12:05 PST 2012

sorry for being a bit slow on this...  Erik covered 1 and 2.

On Dec 3, 2012, at 4:11 AM, Doug Lea wrote:

> I set up jdk8 builds on linux64, solarisx86 (client and server)
> and solaris sparc(v9) over the past few days. Here are a few notes.
> Sorry if any are duplicates of known issues.
> ...
> 3. It would be nice to include a hint that on solaris sparcV9
> you need to get freetype from source and build with CFLAGS="-m64"

Filed 8005375.

> 4. You might also mention that on solaris10, if you get the
> downloadable SolarisStudio to install or update SUNWspro, you
> should ignore the fact that the suggested patches won't apply
> and that running a recent 10_Recommended patchset to try to
> address this can be a very bad move. (See
> https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2471109&tstart=0)
> And also that even though the warnings suggest otherwise,
> (version 5.9 vs 5.10) you can build with this version of
> SUNWspro. Or at least it seems to work so far.

I'm not sure what to say here, it's a mess.
I suspect it depends on what Solaris 10 Update release you are starting with.

We have also recently ran into zip failures with 10u6 out of the box, and the recommended 10u6 patches
were required. The list goes on...

Maybe when we get the open jdk wiki up and running (real soon I hope) we can find a place for this kind of stuff.
I'll file 8005376 to cover this.

> 5. On fedora linux I get the following message that is
> harmless for developer builds but maybe should be better
> explained somewhere:
> /usr/bin/chcon: failed to change context of `libjvm.so' to `system_u:object_r:textrel_shlib_t:s0': Operation not supported
> ERROR: Cannot chcon libjvm.so

Filed 8005377   but I think this may be another thing for the open jdk wiki.

Although, I have been distressed that the makefile rules that do this don't comment why it's necessary and when.

> 6. On solaris, I get various complaints about dtrace,
> for example:
> /usr/sfw/bin/gnm: dtrace.o: File format not recognized
> ld: warning: symbol '__JvmOffsets' has differing types:
>        (file JvmOffsets.o type=OBJT; file dtrace.o type=FUNC);

I will file 8005378

but I suspect this is a hotspot specific issue, but it needs to be tracked down.

> 7. Not your problem, but fastdebug builds were failing for me until
> I discovered pending revision:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/qualifiers/webrev.00/

I think this is http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/hotspot/rev/19c1bd641922

> 8. Also not your problem, but all except sparc builds are
> giving char encoding errors; for example:
> [Error] encoded value was less than 0: encode(-8.326673E-17, 5.0, 11.0, 16.0)

Filed 8005379  so we can eventually track this down, but I don't think this is new.


> -Doug

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