docs requires hotspot?

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Fri Dec 21 03:33:37 PST 2012

This is a rather new usecase, at least for me, so we haven't had time to 
address it yet. If it's important, we will of course address it at some 
point. What I meant below was just that, is this feature important enough?

On the technical side. So far we haven't done a lot of fine granular 
dependencies between repos, but have instead seen a repo as a unit. The 
jdk is an exception since we have separate targets for demos and images. 
I could imagine this type of separation in hotspot too, when we do 
attack the hotspot make files. We haven't attacked them yet, as it's not 
part of this project. I sure hope to get to do it at some point.


On 2012-12-21 12:00, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> If we haven't got better dependency management out of build-infra then 
> it's all been a waste of time.
> OK, maybe that's a bit strong, but it is really bizarre to hear about 
> "extra complexity" to not build all of hotspot when just trying to 
> build the docs.
> -- Jon
> On 12/21/2012 02:49 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> The hotspot repo also contributes to the total docs (jvmti, maybe 
>> more?), so technically, even hotspot needs to be
>> run to create all the docs.
>> It's possible the jvmti doc isn't needed for the jdk api javadocs, 
>> but at least the jdi javadocs will refer to jvmti I think.
>> So this is a slippery slope, be careful.
>> -kto
>> On Dec 11, 2012, at 2:44 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>> I was a bit quick to reply here. Docs are dependent on jdk, for 
>>> generated classes at least, and jdk is dependent on hotspot. Could 
>>> these dependencies be more fine granular, yes, but the question is 
>>> if it's worth the extra complexity.
>>> /Erik
>>> On 2012-12-11 10:29, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>>>> Good point. Should fix those dependencies. Filed 8004844.
>>>> On 2012-12-11 03:29, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>>>> If I build the docs target in an otherwise clean environment, the 
>>>>> build still wades through compiling hotspot. Is this really 
>>>>> necessary and/or to be expected?
>>>>> Don't we use interim-javadoc running on the BOOT_JAVA to build docs?
>>>>> -- Jon

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