Rename j2re-image and j2sdk-image?

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Jun 26 11:19:10 PDT 2012

The build-infra project has been trying to make no changes to what is built, so we can verify the old
builds match the new builds. Every change complicates that comparison.
In some cases where we have seen errors in the old makefiles, we even matched that, knowing that
changing it could force us down rabbit holes we would rather not go down.

Once we officially cut over to the new build-infra makefiles and deleted the old makefiles so that no
comparison builds are needed, we can take more liberties and clean things up.

The jigsaw project has a different situation, and could make these kind of changes now, for the module
builds, if they wanted to.


On Jun 20, 2012, at 10:55 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:

> Are there plans to switch to a more generic names for the images before the new build infra becomes the default? Might I suggest jre-image and jdk-image or just jre and jdk since they are already in the images dir. Yes, it's a change to long held naming but there's not likely to be a better opportunity any time soon.
> Mike

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