running tests

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Tue May 22 10:54:21 PDT 2012

On 05/21/2012 06:32 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2012-04-12 22:30, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> In the old build system, there was a convention along the lines of
>>     make && make -C test
>> or its equivalent.
>> What are, or will be, the corresponding rules in the new build?
> I just pushed a change to the build-infra forest that imlements the 
> following:
> make test TEST="jdk_lang jdk_misc"
> That is, I added a new target "test" which, basically, calls the 
> ROOT/test/Makefile with suitable variables to fit the new build. Also, 
> if you specify the variable TEST, the contents of this will be used as 
> targets to call in the ROOT/test/Makefile. You can specify zero, one 
> or more such test targets; for multiple targets you need to enclose 
> them in quotes. If you don't specify any TEST value, the result is the 
> same as running the default target on the test Makefile.
> Do you think this sounds like a good solution?
> /Magnus

I think it is, er, "disappointing" to see the vestigial remains of the 
nested make world.   While what you suggest will work, and is better 
than what we have now, I hope that when build-infra is done and the 
default, we might have a follow-on "test-infra" project that leverages 
the new build to improve the test Makefiles.

-- Jon

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