Is "host" the build or the target system?
Kelly O'Hair
kelly.ohair at
Thu May 24 08:48:17 PDT 2012
Ok now I'm completely confused... I read this:
And it seems 100% right to me.
Then I read this:
And I see some confusing wording, it says:
the type of system on which the package will run;
the type of system for which any compiler tools in the package will produce code.
I think the "package" it is referring to is the compiler tools package.
The above wording is very confusing and mis-leading.
But I do think that autoconf has the host vs. target concepts right...
Now I need to go back over this email and understand what this is all about again. :^(
On May 24, 2012, at 8:31 AM, Mike Duigou wrote:
> On May 24 2012, at 08:00 , Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I've been in and out of the compiler business for 30+ years, I was never exposed to autoconf.
> autoconf is it's own reality....
>> I worked on simulators and cross compilation projects for many years. Starting in 1979.
>> We ALWAYS called the "host" the system you were building on, and the "target" what you were targeting.
> This is entirely consistent with what I have seen in the embedded space over 20+ years. host is the build system, target is the run system.
>> I don't think adopting what I consider broken terminology the right way to go here.
> Ask anyone doing cross compiling what host and target are and you will get a consistent answer and it isn't autoconf's answer.
> Mike
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