Fwd: New builds from the build-infra team

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Fri Nov 9 01:12:11 PST 2012

On 2012-11-09 09:52, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> On 2012-11-08 21:03, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> I'm trying to use the new build system.
>> I'm working in a langtools repo, and I have a full shared TL forest 
>> elsewhere on my system.
>> In my langtools repo, I've created a build directory and I've 
>> executed the configure script from the shared TL forest, specifying 
>> that I want to override langtools ...
>>>     mkdir toybuild
>>>     cd toybuild
>>> bash /w/jjg/work/tl/common/autoconf/configure 
>>> --with-override-langtools=..
>> The script appears to succeed, saying
>>> A new configuration has been successfully created in
>>> /w/jjg/work/newbuild/8/langtools/toybuild
>>> using configure arguments '--with-override-langtools=..'.
>> But when I try and build the "langtools" target, I get ...
>>> $ make langtools
>>> Building OpenJDK for target 'langtools' in configuration 
>>> '/w/jjg/work/newbuild/8/langtools/toybuild'
>>> ######################################################################## 
>>> ######################################################################## 
>>> ##### Entering langtools for target(s) all                         
>>> #####
>>> ######################################################################## 
>>> Makefile:45: *** Build from top-level Makefile instead.  Stop.
>>> Cannot locate top-level Makefile. Is this repo not checked out as 
>>> part of a complete forest?
>>> make: *** [langtools-only] Error 2
> I haven't been involved in or tried this feature yet, but that sounds 
> like it should work so I will do some investigation.
I have now tried this by cloning jdk8/jdk8/langtools to jdk8-langtools. 
Created jdk8-langtools/mybuild. From that directory I ran configure from 
first my build infra repo just like you described 
--with-override-langtools=.. Running make langtools worked as expected 
and built langtools. I repeated this with configure from my jdk8/tl repo 
and it worked just as well.

A difference I noted though, in my tries, the build is emitting the new 
less verbose "## Starting langtools" instead of the big headers you 
have. This indicates that the tl forest has been updated since you 
tried. Either this was broken in the old version, or there was enough of 
a version mismatch between your langtools repo and the forest you tried 
to use configure from so that they didn't work together.

My first guess would be the renaming of langtools/makefile/Makefile to 
langtools/makefile/BuildLangtools.gmk and the file 
langtools/makefile/Makefile now being a wrapper for the root repo makefile.


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