Compact JRE Profiles for Desktop?

David Holmes david.holmes at
Tue Nov 13 03:47:32 PST 2012

Quick note: the main thing Linux specific is the set of files that 
defines the profile contents - profile-includes.txt (IIRC). It used a 
Linux JRE as the starting point. Once I start looking at how different 
platforms have different files I may need a better higher-level way to 
express platform dependencies (some of it is hidden with things like 

Profiles are very simple:
- a reduced set of files in lib and bin
- a reduced set of APIs in rt.jar (and by association resources.jar)


On 13/11/2012 8:34 PM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Thanks for your response. Contributing to the efforts for support on other platforms is something I am willing to have a crack at.
> I have signed the oracle contributors agreement and all that jazz, and I'm totally confident with all things java. The native, low level stuff might be a bit of a learning curve so I guess I'll just take a stab at it and see what happens. Any tips on how best to get started?
> Cheers,
> Dan
> On 13/11/2012, at 9:01 PM, Alan Bateman<Alan.Bateman at>  wrote:
>> On 13/11/2012 02:00, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
>>> :
>>> Is there anywhere good to ask these questions (other than the JFX forum
>>> where knowledge about this stuff is limited)?
>> There isn't a separate mailing list for the Compact Profiles effort. The changes are expected to be mostly build related so this is why the jdk8/profiles forest was setup to send the hg notifications here.
>>> :
>>> Do you know who, what, where decides whether the profiles will be available
>>> for platforms other than linux? Is there anyone I can hit up to make this
>>> happen and/or offer whatever contribution I could make to this?
>> There's nothing platform specific in the proposal, it's just that we are only adding support to build the profiles on Linux at this time.
>> I don't think it would take a huge amount of effort to add support for other building on other platforms and perhaps this is something that you or others would like to contribute?
>> -Alan.

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