Implicit assumptions in Images.gmk: find errors

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at
Fri Nov 23 00:20:30 PST 2012

We could condition these finds on the existence of these directories. I 
think that would be the cleanest implementation as it would logically 
act the same as now, just with less noise and execs.


On 2012-11-23 01:19, David Holmes wrote:
> Some of the constructs in Images.gmk implicitly assume that you are 
> always building a JDK image and a JRE image. Ie.:
> JDK_DEMO_TARGETS := $(patsubst 
> $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/demo/%,$(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/demo/%,\
>                         $(shell $(FIND) $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/demo ! \( 
> -name "_the*" -o -name "javac_state" \) ))
> and:
> # /sample dir
> $(foreach f,$(shell $(FIND) $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/sample -type f),\
>     $(eval $(call 
> will both attempt to issue "find" in a directory that may not exist 
> (jdk/demo and jdk/sample respectively) if you are not building a jdk 
> image.
> Fortunately (or perhaps erroneously?) these find failures do not cause 
> make to fail, they just generate noisy output (which of course is how 
> I noticed it).
> Not sure what the solution is or if it is just something we have to 
> live with. There is an awful lot of setup needed to build images, but 
> some of it is dependent on what image has been requested.
> Cheers,
> David

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