building on cygwin

Tim Bell tim.bell at
Tue Oct 2 11:53:10 PDT 2012

On 10/02/12 11:31, Jim Holmlund wrote:
> On 10/2/2012 5:50 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
>> From this I can only conclude that the problem is caused by your old 
>> version of cygwin. 
> Or maybe by my use of make 3.82 instead of 3.82.90 that you are 
> using.  I downloaded 3.82.90-1 from here
> I just unpacked it and ran the make.exe and it did nothing.  Maybe it 
> has to be 'installed' in order to work.
> - jjh

What does 'ldd' report?  Maybe this newer make.exe is expecting to find 
other updated libraries.

Or try 'cygcheck -hv ./make.exe'

I recall going through this dance long ago with JDK7 and a special 
Cygwin make-3.80:


>> I don't know of a "good" way to debug/trace that. I usually end up 
>> doing a bunch of $$(show ...) which sometimes works and sometimes not.
>> My cygwin says:
>> $ uname --all
>> CYGWIN_NT-6.0-WOW64 sthintel-ex01 1.7.15(0.260/5/3) 2012-05-09 10:25 
>> i686 Cygwin
>> and make:
>> $ make --version
>> GNU Make 3.82.90
>> Built for i686-pc-cygwin
>> /Erik
>> On 2012-09-28 18:17, Jim Holmlund wrote:
>>> The new build didn't work on my cygwin PC.
>>> My cygwin is old. Erik said he could build ok under cygwin. Kelly 
>>> said to try a new cygwin which I am loathe to do.
>>>  I think I tracked the problem down to this code in IdlCompilation.gmk:
>>>> # Now create the dependencies for each idl target.
>>>> $$(foreach p,$$($1),$$(eval $$(call 
>>>> add_idl_package,$1,$$($1_SRC),$$($1_BIN),$$(patsubst 
>>>> $$($1_BIN)/%.idl.d,$$($1_SRC)/%.idl,$$p),$$p,$$($1_DELETES),$$($1_OLDIMPLBASES),$$($1_IDLJ))))
>>> Tracing code I added shows that this foreach never calls 
>>> add_idl_pacakge.
>>> BTW, what is a good way to debug/trace something like that 
>>> $$(foreach...?
>>> Here is my uname -a output:
>>>    CYGWIN_NT-5.1 fff 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) 2008-06-12 19:34 i686 Cygwin
>>> The make I am using is in /usr/bin, and make -v reports that it is
>>>    GNU Make 3.82
>>>    Built for i686-pc-cygwin
>>> The make I am using on solaris is 3.81 and it works ok.  So, I tried 
>>> a build on windows using 3.81 and the above problem went away.
>>> Thanks
>>> - jjh

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